What If As We Grow Older We Become More Open Instead Of More Closed?

Life’s bumps and bruises cause in all of us a variety of responses some of which are healthy and some less so.

We can take what life gives us, learn from it, expand our minds to take it in, and open our hearts to accept what is. With this kind of openness we can be wise in mind and loving and compassionate in our heart.

We can also fight change, resist what we could learn from, argue to be right, and slam the door shut to our heart if we don’t like what is going on. This reactivity causes us to close down, be angry and too fearful to engage with other hearts and minds. 

5 Simple Ways To Chill Out That You Can Share With Everyone You Know

Is your life a rollercoaster of thoughts and emotions? Maybe you have grown impatient with yourself and you wonder when you are going to get your act together?

Good luck doing that without taking a step out of the ordinary and leaving the habits and grooves of life behind. You are stuck in a muck of your own design.

Stop the poor me. Stop the noisy inner critic. Neither ever works for the better. Instead, raise your head up, look into a mirror and see the great possibility in those windows of your soul. You are in truth a soul in the midst of a human experience. Not the drama you find yourself caught up in.

Why You Should Consider Never Watching The Nightly News Again

One night I was watching the evening news and noticed my stomach was upset and my jaw was tight and I thought watching this is unhealthy for my body, hurtful to my heart and harmful to my peace of mind. I am done.

First - I don’t mean to “should” on you. We all have too much of “you should do this or that,” going on inside of our own minds.

$100 StartUp

You may not know this but you don’t have to settle for a life that is not satisfying. It is easy to fall into a groove of life, surround yourself with what is familiar, and pretend things will be okay.

Human being are very adaptive and tend to make the best out of the circumstances they find themselves in.

You conform to what you figure out is expected. It seems uncomplicated to settle into mediocrity and reluctantly accept your fate. You look around, see so many have said, “Okay let’s smile and make the best of things.” You may wonder, what else is possible?

This is another way.

Are You Listening To Your Wise Voice or The Dangerous One Inside?

Over the years I have come to realize that there are two primary inner voices that direct the unfolding journey of our lives. These two forces are the Self of our higher nature and the self that is ego-guided. To make this distinction within us and to understand its impact on humanity is of the greatest importance. The following is a sharing of insight to encourage more personal awareness about the Self and the self:

Each of you has a higher nature. That Self can be understood as your wise mind, your soul, and the part of you that is infinite and eternal. This expanded Self is your onboard direct link to the source of all creation (aka God, Great Spirit, Allah, Divine Mother, Source Energy and by many other names).

Two Awesome Resources For Self-Healing and An Invitation

Lately I have been reading two books on healing because I know healing is an ongoing process for all of us. The past has left us all with baggage not usually by ill intentions but by under-realized minds and hearts. Sadly we spend too much time arguing for our limitations, fearing our own power and leaking essential life force from the wounds of past traumas and unfinished business.

These books are amazing resources. I came to both of them by listening to free podcasts at Sounds True. Intuitive Self-Healing by Marie Manuchehri, RN and Use Your Body To Heal Your Mind by Henry Grayson, Ph.D.

How To Stop Resentment From Killing Your Relationships

Have you ever stuffed a feeling just to keep things okay in your relationship? The answer is YES. If you deny you have, we need to talk because you are either a saint and I can sit at your feet and learn or (I am betting on this second one) you need to get help identifying what you feel.

Resentment is a secondary emotion generated by unexpressed feelings. The more you deny, ignore, or push down your feelings the more resentment you gather in your body.

How Jon Morrow and Johnny B Truant Helped Liberate My Entrepreneurial Spirit

It happened quite by synchronistic accident. As I was checking my emails while wandering down the hall of misdirection and ineffectiveness, a passing note caught my eye. I stopped and without a moments hesitation, knew that this is just what I needed – An online Bootcamp for Bloggers. I have come to trust my intuition and this time it was jumping up and down on the sidelines of my mind cheering me on. 

By my nature I am a seeker. I love learning and awareness.  When the light goes on I’m elated to see the world painted with the freshness of good ideas.

Jon Morrow and Johnny B Truant are entrepreneurial gurus

Boldness Brings Genius In The Face Of Resistance

Have you ever faced resistance straight on and put it in its place? Feels good doesn’t it?

The War Of Art by Steven Pressfield (you can order that through my Books That Expand The Mind store) arrived instantly on my Kindle reader. It had come highly recommended so I jumped right in.  This book spoke to me. My inner Yah! button kept getting pushed.  I love when books do that, don’t you? 

If you have a passion for creating music, painting, writing, designing or other forms of creativity, you have run directly into a force called Resistance.

How I Got Over Myself and Started Writing With a Clearer Voice

Yes, I am on a mission. But now I realize my mission is not about me. I have come to understand my mission is to be here to support and encouragement your mission.

The ego-mind is always on a mission to convert people into followers (translation – have control over them.) It can seem like such a higher calling for those who are ministers, rabbis, priests, nuns, monks, gurus and other mission driven professionals. However, if the ego is in charge, the calling is more toward self-power than toward empowering others.

Earthquake, Blogging Bootcamp and Abstract Art

Are you ready to shake things up? Does it seem like it's time to make some changes in your life?

Sometimes when energy starts to move it has the capacity to shake up everything, including it seems the Earth.  Recently a small earthquake happened off the coast not far from where I live and the house did a two-step shift as the hair on my arms jumped to attention.

How To Be True To Yourself (Even When Your Life's A Mess)

If you listen inward you will hear a voice that calls you.

If you take the time to listen, you will hear the love and wisdom of that voice.

This is the voice of your higher nature, your soul/spirit, your intuitive knowing. This kind voice is calling you to be yourself. (Note: If the voice is not “kind” it is the voice of your ego-mind, be aware the ego’s agenda is very different and may have gotten you into the mess you are in.)

Soaring To New Heights

In the late afternoon yesterday we headed up to a high point along the coast a place we love to visit. As we made it to our favorite viewing point we looked out to see a beautiful white crested eagle soar in the updrafts right past us. I watched it carefully imagining that I was able to follow the currents of life as this graceful and power bird does. Like a surfer riding a wave or a skier riding a mountain, I wondered how do I move more in alignment with the greater forces of the universe?

Tapping Into The Energy Of The Universe

Each day some part of the aliveness outdoors seems to touch my soul.

I wish you all could walk with me in the stream as it enters the ocean and feel the flow of both forces.

If you could only encounter the silence in the forest up behind where I live you would know more about the stillness within.

5 Super Expansive Beliefs That Will Change Your Life Forever

This post and the one Thursday are focused on inviting more out of all those on our new email list and those that stop by to read my blog.  Following this post and previous one, I will share more about how to integrate the ideas I am writing about. I have already planned to do brief videos over at YouTube.com on the 21 ideas I shared in my last post.  But before you and I get too busy exploring these ideas I wanted to invite you to take a step on the wild side of your mind and venture into 5 super beliefs you can explore today that will forever change how you view yourself and the world:

21 Audacious and Mind Expanding Personal Development Ideas

If you realize you are not yet all you want to be, here are some very unique personal development tips that will change your view of yourself and how you see all of life. 

  1. Choose a foot either will work, this foot will be you contact with both the Earth under you and your expansive nature. When you feel out of sorts, feel your foot, feel it making contact with the floor/Earth. Also when you want to move out of ordinary mind, sensing your foot will help bring you into the moment where wise mind is waiting.

The Inner Lightness Of Being

In this moment you can live in awe of the incredible peace, love, joy and freedom that is available to you. It is a simple choose, be present or not.

There is such wonderful peace when you are able to be fully present to yourself and the divine that powers your life force. In the worry and hurry world peace is left in the dust on the trail of the ego-mind. Peace is the still pond of mindfulness when you rise above the chatter of the ego-mind. Peace is the comfort with self when you are hanging out free of the judging mind, just being.

How To Be So Much More

Yesterday I was at a gallery and something connected about art and how it is a vehicle to deepen our experience of life and open our channel to our spirit.  There was a painting of a crow sitting on a window ledge and looking at the sun; it was titled at the Edge of Freedom. It seems crows are symbolic messengers for both my wife and I. For years the intuitive has come to us in a variety of forms with crows high the list. Inner messages call us to leave old stuck patterns and limiting beliefs behind and instead move into the wonder of the unexplored richness of life. This message came home with clarity looking at that painting.

As I read what I wrote above I see by my words that what I want to say is that there is so much we can become aware of and know if we allow the messages around us, the images, and the metaphors speak to us in the inner language of the intuitive.  Everything becomes more alive when we are open to see, hear, feel and sense the wisdom of the universe.

How do you make contact with the other world of knowing beyond your rational mind?

What kinds of messengers or metaphors are knocking on the doorway to your higher knowing inviting you to further awaken? 

Where do you have stuck patterns or places in you wanting to come into full expression?

What parts of you are touched by images or intuitions that keep showing up and begging you to pay attention?

Where do you keep pushing away what you know is right for you?

How do you diminish your own power by holding out against you’re your quiet wisdom?

None of this is meant to judge but to invite. You are unlimited potential in waiting; you are the grace of light longing to be expressed.

10 Birthday Wishes

Today is my birthday and I have 10 wishes. As I blow out my many candles I wish for:

  1. That we all find inner peace so we can finally create world peace
  2. That we all open our hearts and let our compassion guide us to a better world
  3. That we all heal from the past and bring our well-being to share with all others
  4. That we all learn to share so abundance flows for everyone
  5. That we evolve enough to think expansively with everyone and future generations in mind
  6. That we live in appreciation for each other and the gift of each day
  7. That we quiet our judging mind and instead find acceptance of self and others
  8. That we all find our way to the creative flow of our purpose
  9. That we learn to live fully in the moment where everything is possible
  10. That we live with the realization that the Earth needs to be as cared for as any member of our family

Wow what a world that would be and what a way to celebrate a birthday being part of making these wishes come true.

Love, Light and Joy to you,



6 Little Known Ways To Self-Love

Yesterday in one of my timeouts, no I wasn’t misbehaving; I had the topic of self-love come into my thoughs and I knew it was to be my next blog post. Then the entire outline was presented to me in the form of the list of ideas including today. I sometimes feel I just need to get out of the way and let the wisdom of the Universe use my fingers.

Self-love is the absolute single most important ingredient in creating an amazing and rewarding life. If you don’t love yourself, you are carrying a false belief that is anchoring you to one stuck spot. If you would only realize that you deserve all the love you can give yourself, then you would set your life in a forward motion that know no limits. Your choice, would you rather believe the nonsense of your limiting programming and beliefs or set yourself free?

If freedom and self-love is what you choose then I have six techniques/practices that will empower this choice and help rewire your brain to fully integrate self-love into your life.

1.         There are a number of EFT (Tapping) techniques that will help you begin the rewiring. Go to YouTube for examples. The practice I would encourage has two important components: the first is this affirmative statement – “I totally love and accept myself,” which you repeat as you take your fingertips and tap around your ear.  Place your four fingertips in front of your ear and then proceed to tap gently around the ear for about one minute repeating the affirmation. Do the tapping in a circular motion around either or both ears.

2.         Look into the mirror, directly into your own eyes and tell yourself that this day you will love yourself as fully as you can. Each time you see a mirror repeat your inner message of self-love. When you get brave do this standing naked in front of the mirror and love yourself fully as you are. 

3.         Breathe self-love into your body. This technique is quiet and simple. When you wake up in the morning and throughout your day simply breathe love from your heart down into your body as if you are breathing into the base of your spine, then have the breath fill you to your center (behind navel) and lastly your breath fills your upper chest/heart and mind. Then exhale and release anything in you that needs to be released. Do this deep breath for at least 10 full deep breaths.

4.         Place your right hand on your forehead and your left hand on the lower part of the back of your head. Think of this technique as the brain rewire practice that you do at least once a day. With your hands in place, you affirm that you are rewiring your brain with love and open its full connect to your heart and affirm that you fully love yourself free of judgments.

5.         Spend at least a few minute of your day in the still place where your soul resides. This quiet wisdom is a reminder of your higher nature. The reason most people have lost touch with self-love is that they have lost touch with their spiritual nature, the part of them that is infinite and eternal.

6.         This practice is ongoing because it involves being ok with how you feel. The goal is to get to the point where you acknowledge and accept all feelings that come up in you. The more you accept without judging all you feel, the more you will love and accept yourself.

Hope you love yourself so much that your love helps awaken the hearts of many.