
How To Stop Fear From Devastating Your Life

Fear ruins people’s lives. It can poison your dreams, terrorize your imagination, imprison you from doing things you want to experience, strangle your heart from opening, drown your creativity, blind you to the truth, and cripple you moving forward. Does any of this sound familiar? 

The most interested thing about fear is that it is not real. It always begins as a thought and then turns into a feeling sensation you have learned to call fear. 99% of what you fear is all in your mind.

Yet it still dominates the world. It is so powerful that fear has been used to control the masses for centuries. Just create an imagined enemy and people fall into doing what they’re told. 

Let’s talk about fear and what you can do about it.

Why You Don’t Need To Live in Fear, Be Anxious And Worry Anymore

Recently an encounter with several people who were angry and fearful brought a clear question to my mind. How did they allow their thoughts to cause such anger, fear and discomfort?

This may challenge you but - all fear and worry are self-created. Your thinking generates them. Yes there are occasional situations (a train coming as your car stalls on the tracks) in which fear is a natural response but almost all fear is born within your thoughts.

The opposite of fear, worry and anxiety is being at peace, being open, observing, and trusting.  Changing your thoughts can bring peace, allow you to be open and just observe what is going on. 

Not getting caught up in the drama of the moment is such a relief. Try trusting things will work out and watch how they do.

Ultimately it is very liberating to come to the awareness that you are fully responsible for what you think and how you feel. Yes, blame is very tempting but really it is just an avoidance of responsibility. 

You might wonder - how do I take back my power and stop pointing outward when things are not how I want them to be? How do I bring more consciousness to this process?

One Remedy For Fear That Will Never Let You Down

Today I start a series of posts which offer simple solutions to many of  the issues we deal with - sometimes on a daily basis. I want to offer you useful and effective ideas/techniques that you can use starting immediately that will enhance the quality of your life.

Simple Solutions #1 - A Remedy For Fear

Fear is a powerful emotion that we all feel. Many deny they are afraid but we know better. Life offers us many unknown situations and fear is a natural reaction.

How To Live Centered In Your Heart (Even In A World Where Fear Dominates)

I look at the world and feel the need for love. You know because you can feel it too. You and I can live from our hearts. These time call for us all to have compassion and to open to love.

The fearful mind sees a fearful world. The news feeds our fear. Many around us are run by their fearful thoughts. But is fear a more powerful force than love?

Love is the practice of ultimate power because it means both you and I can walk the earth with a heart that is receptive, expansive and courageous. In our wisdom, we understand that love is the clear solution to all problems that exist in the world.

Why You Should Consider Never Watching The Nightly News Again

One night I was watching the evening news and noticed my stomach was upset and my jaw was tight and I thought watching this is unhealthy for my body, hurtful to my heart and harmful to my peace of mind. I am done.

First - I don’t mean to “should” on you. We all have too much of “you should do this or that,” going on inside of our own minds.

Are You Listening To Your Wise Voice or The Dangerous One Inside?

Over the years I have come to realize that there are two primary inner voices that direct the unfolding journey of our lives. These two forces are the Self of our higher nature and the self that is ego-guided. To make this distinction within us and to understand its impact on humanity is of the greatest importance. The following is a sharing of insight to encourage more personal awareness about the Self and the self:

Each of you has a higher nature. That Self can be understood as your wise mind, your soul, and the part of you that is infinite and eternal. This expanded Self is your onboard direct link to the source of all creation (aka God, Great Spirit, Allah, Divine Mother, Source Energy and by many other names).