About Myself and My Work
My work is focused on you and what the possibilities in you are waiting to be expressed and realized. I help you find your deepest knowing, your truest desires, and the energy and focus you need to make your life come alive with amazing results.
My passion has always been to bring out the best in those I work with. Since my earliest explorations, I have been fascinated by the human potential and how to activate the mind, body, heart, and spirit to its fullest expression.
I have worked with corporate executives, championship athletes, individuals with addictions, and people from all walks of life who want to find out more about themselves and how to create the results that matter to them.
If we work together I will share more with you about what I have learned over the past 40+ years of making a positive difference in people’s lives.
My own inner work has been extensive and intense. I have a never-ending thirst for expanding my understand of human nature. I have arrived at where I am today because I never stop pushing myself forward.
Today I live on the Oregon Coast in a small town. I have come to appreciate the gifts of nature, the beauty that surrounds me, and the inner peace that comes from living in the joy of each moment.
My doctorate is in Counseling Psychology. Up to 11 years ago I worked as a mental health professional for most of my career. I shifted away from that to write about what I have learned doing this kind of work and from my inner journey along the way. My coaching style has been part of my work all along. I see people as potential and possibilities, not as broken and in need of fixing. That focus allows those I work with to make major shifts in how they see themselves and what is possible in their lives.
I have also been a competitive athlete as a distance runner and still compete regularly in table tennis.
Interested in Working Together?
Give me a call (541.991.9194) or email me at joseph4peace@gmail.com. Our first conversation is free to see if we have a good fit for working together. Things will begin to change in your life just from what we talk about. If we decide to work together during this exploratory session, then we will talk about a fee and schedule.
““My work is guiding and encouraging you to live with purpose, to set a course towards a greater realization of what is possible for your life, and to expand your opportunities for greater happiness, peace, and love. As you grow it benefits humanity and makes you an active participant in making a positive difference in the world.
~ Joseph