Peace, in the times we live in, can seem a long ways a way but you and I can do something about that. Yes you, if you believe you can, then results will follow. In my writing for this I let the intuitive knowing guide me towards ways we can have the most affect on the world. The ideas seem to flow effortlessly and so I came up with so many that I need to turn this into a two part series. The following are 30 ideas to help make the world a more peaceful place. Tomorrow I will present 30 more ways. Please take the time to explore these peaceful ways and integrate the ones you connect with into the way you live your life.
- World peace begins inside of you by finding your way to inner peace and spreading that peace out into the world.
- Let your mind ponder what will bring peace to the world. Your mind will have many ideas but my heart is a better guide.
- If you walk peaceful through you day, you spread peace just by the act of walking with awareness.
- Your emotions can be very energizing but by turning towards them in a spirit of acceptance you will soon move into more calming waters.
- Feel what you feel, let go of what needs to be released and then bask in peace.
- The busy mind is always noisy, slow it down by being mindful and without judging, as the judgment drops away so will the feelings of disharmony.
- Slow down and let your body come to rest once in a while, sit and feel the peace of being present.
- Find peace today by shrinking your inner critic and instead having positive and supportive self-talk.
- Listen to you heart and love more freely; loving makes you feel most alive.
- Pay attention to your feelings, make sure you are doing ok; they are always guiding you towards a more peaceful life.
- Spend time in the calmness of nature, feel the peace in the now of the natural world.
- Take a nap and dream about being peaceful and enjoy the feelings when you wake up.
- Always pay close attention to your intuition and act accordingly and you will know peace in many ways.
- Be more playful, do more fun things and laugh often, let children show you the way.
- Express yourself creatively as a way to find joy, aliveness, passion and peace.
- Thich Nhat Hahn is great teacher of peace, “breath in peace and breathe out a smile.”
- Sing songs that uplift you, listen to inspirational music and sense the body’s harmonic response.
- Find where there is Dances For Universal Peace in your community and go join in the fun.
- Go for quiet and relaxing walks, walking meditation is even more peaceful.
- Listen to the birds sing, the sounds of a stream or the wind and in that appreciation of the now there can be peace.
- Feel gratitude for all you have and in each moment
- Expand your breathing and feel how alive you are, your breath is your life force and a quiet way to find peace.
- See the beauty of the world around you; there is a deep peace in the moments of oneness with beauty.
- Finish unfinished stuff that is bothering you; leave the past where it belongs.
- Have friends that really listen, be a friend and give the gift of compassionate listening.
- Change beliefs that limit you and thereby open to more freedom in life.
- Say good riddance to guilty because it is a artificial thought/emotion you learned from others.
- Stop watching nightly news, you will sleep much better and your mind will be more at peace.
- Notice where fear runs you and change your thinking toward love, love always trumps fear.
- Be kind to yourself and love and accept who you are
Tomorrow I will provide 30 more peaceful ways. Have a good day.