It is often the simple things we don't think of when we get stuck. Stuck means low energy and it sometimes feels like a brain freeze where we can't think of any options. The truth is if you are not growing, moving upward in some way, you have flattened out and are most like heading downward. Growth is essential to a positive sense of self. Sometimes you need structure; other times you need free time. You create your own experience of life by what you think and how you go through your day. The same activities day after day numb you and life can feel really unsatisfying. Today do something different.
The following is a list of 40 uncomplicated things to do to promote growth and to get the life force flowing in you:
Let yourself be guided by the wisdom of your heart
Find ways to more fully love and accept yourself
Appreciate the beauty around you both natural and designed
Be in the moment as fully as you can
Tune into some aspect of nature (stream, birds, trees, breeze, sunset, etc)
Get physical, workout, stretch, build strength and endurance
Go in search of art to enjoy and appreciate
Visit the library, get a card and check out books, CD, DVD's
Be active in a support group or social network
Build relationships with positive and encouraging friends
Go for a vigorous walk or a slow meditative one
Get a bike and enjoy cruising around your town
Seek out fun activities that you have been meaning to do
Volunteer for an organization you believe in
Become a big brother, big sister for a young person
Get a pet and care for it, it will keep giving back
Take time to be quiet and open to your inner wisdom
Pick up a journal and write to express who you are, no editing
Read about and explore self-hypnosis
Have a day of silence to enjoy being with self
Set an appointment for a relaxing massage
Take a class or study an area of interest
Learn a new language
Reach out to people in need
Have a day of appreciation each week and count your blessings
Stop by an art and craft store, pick up supplies and explore creativity
Learn to relax, take a nap, and feel rested
Slow down from the hurry, worry world and smell the roses
Visit your local bookstore, there is so much their waiting to be discovered
Explore your spiritual nature in ways that are nurturing to you
Learn to meditate to give you busy mind a break
Study a martial art, tai chi, or yoga
Explore other cultures, foods, and viewpoints
Find time to play, do something just because it makes you feel happy
Make it your goal to spread some happiness each day
Figure out a more effortless way of doing things that feel like a struggle
Find your unique purpose, what feels meaningful and express it with passion
Look into nutrition so you can eat in ways that increase your health
Investigate ways to create passive streams of income
Read biographies of those who inspire you
Experiment with how you can have more freedom in your life
Find a mentor who can challenge and expand you
What would add to this list? Which ones are you doing already? Which ideas appeal to you? Which ones are you willing to explore in depth? Growth and expansive movement always feel positive and uplifting even when they can be difficult at times. You can make each day feel better if you commit to keeping active and open. There are endless new ways to explore and enjoy.