The Traveler’s Gift by Andy Andrews has been a great find at the local used bookstore. Check the author out and thank you Andy. This book is a story with very important lessons in it. I decide to share the lessons and encourage you to read the interesting story. Particularly of interest are the famous people who teach the main character about the following decisions:
Decision One – The buck stops here. This decision is about choosing to take full responsibility for your life including: your past, your future, your thoughts, decisions, actions, emotions, body and spirit. You create your experience so remember and respect that. Now you must take charge of your life to make things happen as you desire.
Decision Two – I will seek wisdom. This decision is about choosing to design your future by exploring ways to act wisely and with more awareness. Seek the counsel of those who know, have friends that lift you up, and learn through by being compassionate and kind.
Decision Three – I am a person of action. This decision is about choosing to: take action with energy; lead by inspiring others; make courageous decisions; and do so in the now when important decisions lead to powerful actions.
Decision Four – I have a decided heart. I wrote about this decision recently here at my blog. The key points of this decision are: chose to be passionate about your vision for your life and set a clear course to make it happen.
Decision Five – Today I choose to be happy. This decision is about choosing to enjoy life, laugh often, be enthusiastic, smile at everyone you meet and live in deep appreciation and gratitude for the life you are blessed to have.
Decision Six – I will greet this day with a forgiving spirit. This decision is choosing to forgive. This forgiveness is toward yourself and anyone who you have felt mistreated by. Forgiveness allows you to release the past and be more present to yourself and those around you.
Decision Seven – I will persist without exception. This decision is about choosing to utilize your inner drive to create successful results. There is no quit if you have faith: in you, your purpose and the universe’s capacity to manifest whatever is clearly intended.
Pick this book (also CD and DVD) up at your local bookstore or at Amazon and learn the stories behind these lessons and you will feel it was time well spent for enriching your life.