It looks like it is a list week because I am encouraging you and me to get ourselves in gear so we can bring about any shifts in life that we know are necessary. This weekend I had a massage and the therapist told me I was carrying too much tension in my neck and shoulders. Sometime my work feels like I am carrying the weight of all those I help and emotionally that is a lot of weight to carry. Addicts battle their upbringing, their addictions, the legal system because of all the trouble they get themselves into, and maybe most of all, themselves. When we don’t feel ok about ourselves we tend to make poor decisions about our life and that often leads to more troubles to deal with.
How do we break out of the discouraging cycles we find ourselves caught up in? How do we care enough about ourselves to say no to what isn’t working and yes to what we know is right for us? How do we cause a significant shift in our life when we are filled with self-doubt? How do we create a positive life when we may never have had much in the way of positive experiences?
I remember once I was working with a client that had significant chronic pain and there was a dark cloud that followed him wherever he went. In a group exercise I asked everyone to come up with at least one positive possibility, idea, or memory in their life. This guy could not think of one positive thing. I could feel how stuck he felt so I was inspired to ask him, “If he could imagine light coming into his life?” I didn’t say what that light might be so he could imagine it in any way that might work for him. He said he would give the idea of light a try.
There happened to be a book at that time by Shakti Gawain called Living in the Light. I picked up a copy at a local bookstore and gave it to him. About three months later he called me to report how well he was doing, he had friends and invited me to a summer gathering. He also thanked me for helping him.
How do we let more light into our lives? Here are 20 ways to turn the light on inside of you:
- Read inspirational books (see list below)
- Listen to expansive ideas (see list below)
- Take classes on something you want to learn
- Find a mentor, personal coach and/or counselor
- Seek out the feedback of those around you
- Say yes to opportunities to open and express love, compassion and kindness
- Find what kinds of activities make you feel energized and alive and do them often
- Express yourself creatively in ways you enjoy
- Explore regularly the endless potential within you
- Each day take time to appreciate yourself and your life
- Practice mindfulness and be present throughout your day
- Smile often and make a difference in the world in ways that bring you joy and purpose
- See life as an experiment and adventure that is endlessly fascinating
- Listen within to the deep inner wisdom of your heart, your body, and your intuition
- Find ways to communicate with your spirit or higher nature
- Connect into the knowing ways of the Earth and the universe
- Practice daily total love and acceptance of yourself.
- Be a more social person and reach out to others and enrich their lives and yours
- See the beauty around you in nature and from human creativity
- Each day seek to become a more aware and conscious human being
Are you ready to let the light in?