My last few days off have been very energizing and with lots of inner practice and a very interesting interview at Insights At The Edge over at Sounds True (go through ad to the right please) of Ann Marie Chiasson MD who is both doctor and energy healer. She shares some mind-bending ideas that certainly enhanced what I thought was possible. I have mentioned the Insights At The Edge on a number of occasions and I want to emphasize again this free podcast series which is so mind expanding. If like me, you are interested in the further realization of your potential then take the time to listen to as many of the interviews as you can. You will be amazed at how much more you can escape out of the box of your own mind toward a freedom of expression that will leave you in awe of what is possible.
Here is a list of the interviews I highly recommend:
Ann Marie Chiasson
Tara Brach
Sally Kempton
Natalie Goldberg
Danny Dreyer
Mark Thornton
William Buhlman (OBE’s)
William Bengston
Thomas Moore
Shiva Rae
Stanislav Grof
David Ison
Peter Levine
Sandra Ingerman
Alex Theory
Bruce Lipton
David White
Clarissa Pinkola Estes
Terry Tempest Williams
Sean Corn
Geneen Roth
Michael Beckwith
Barbara Marx Hubbard
Most of the rest of these interviews are also well worth your time.
Yesterday I recommended 10 of my favorite inspirational novels and today these interviews because they are all about being more fully alive; about arriving each day with lots of energy even as we get older; and because you and I are alike in that we know there is more waiting inside of us and around us that we can feel calling us to be more. This “moreness” is not from a place of not enough but from a knowing inside of us that we are here in this life to be all that we can be because it is our purpose. This personal expression of purpose can’t help but greatly enrich the world.