Today or tomorrow or the next day will bring the completion of my second full year of blogging. YEAH!!! What I have learned about myself from blogging almost every day for 2 years, it is that I have good self-discipline, lots of interests, and a willingness to challenge myself to keep on coming up with new ideas to write about. I started writing my blog with several purposes in mind. I am a social activist/artist, a student of the human potential, and an explorer of consciousness and spirituality. Over the past two years I have shared many ideas from these areas of interest.
My mix of progressive ideas, extensive questioning of beliefs and thoughts, a positive slant on human nature, and a deep desire to be more conscious and encourage others to awaken, provide my readers with a unique blend of thought provoking articles. My hope is that along the way my readers have benefited from my ramblings and will continue to do so over the next year. Please feel free to let me know what your comments are about any of my writings.
Today I want to write about the pleasure of exploring your interests. Recently I have had fun exploring cooking as a form of creative expression. I cook very intuitively like I write. My inspiration comes in the way of quick flashes of ideas and then how to do it often also flashes by. This process of inner picturing of what I am cooking is very similar to my writing this blog. When I trust these flashes of guidance, I end up cooking and writing at my best. This to me is exploring and expressing my human potential through a deep knowing place in me. That place is in you too and very worth exploring.
Another of my interests is reading books and articles that help me expand my thinking. I read about happiness, prosperity, consciousness, investments, nutrition, creating success, progressive ideas, fitness, spiritual concepts, futurist projections, quantum physics, sports, athletic excellence, and inspirational people. I love to find new ideas that better my life and health and that I can share with others. I always have 5 or 6 books going and magazines folded at where I left off. Reading and learning makes me feel positive about myself and happy to be alive.
What interests you? Are you taking the time to explore your interests? If so how does it feel? If not, how come? A secret to happiness is to follow what interests you and live the life of an adventurous explorer.