Giving To Make A Difference

Yes you can make a difference.  I wanted to write today to bring some optimism to the idea that our world needs some help.  Our planet is hurting, many people on the planet have far less than we do, there are conflicts going on in the Middle East and Africa, and there is unrest in many places.  If we look at all the unrest and sturggles, it can seem overwhelming and you may think you are powerless to do anything.  That thought of powerlessness is not accurate.  There are many things you and I can do:

  • We can give our time to causes we want to support
  • We can give money for support
  • We can listen and give supportive feedback
  • We can ask questions and search for the truth
  • We can give kindness, compassion and love
  • We can explore and encourage personal freedom
  • We can invite consciousness, insight and awareness
  • We can seek understanding
  • We can explore and encourage peaceful thoughts and actions
  • We can explore and encourage health, mind/body/emotions/spirit
  • We can explore and encourage happiness
  • We can explore and encourage self-acceptance
  • We can explore and encourage giving & receiving
  • We can explore and encourage creativity
  • We can explore and encourage expanded viewpoints
  • We can explore and encourage living with purpose & passion
  • We can explore and encourage living with intention & commitment
  • We can explore and encourage success & prosperity
  • We can explore and encourage relaxation and self-care
  • We can explore and encourage intuition & inner knowing
  • We can explore and encourage meditation & being quiet
  • We can explore and encourage self-realization
  • We can be supportive friends
  • We can be inspired leaders
  • We can be optimistic and encouraging about life
  • We can lend a hand and give words of support
  • We can believe in our uniqueness and everyone else’s
  • We can accept differences and appreciate diversity
  • We can speak for the concerns of the Earth
  • We can speak for the concerns of future generations
  • We can be peaceful inside
  • We can be on a mission to make the world a better place
  • We can explore and encourage living in the moment where everything is possible

I hope you have found this list helpful.  Add to it to represent what you uniquely have to offer.  Now is the time to start making a difference.  Look around; is there any doubt in your mind and heart that you are needed in the world?  Can you hear the calling/mission/purpose in you waiting to be expressed?