I want to share with you some images, insights and ideas about the power of love. This power of love is within you and all of creation. The source of that love is your heart, the hearts of all living things and the Heart of the Universe (God, Great Spirit, Source, Great Creator, Allah or whatever you call the source). Today I will refer to all this love as Source Love. Please call this universal love whatever feels right to you.
So here are a few images I invite you to play with today. The universe is powered by love. All that fuels the universe is love. All that keeps you alive and all living things alive is love. All that holds the planets in orbit is love. All that keeps your atoms and particles in place is love. All that holds your family together is love. All that holds your community together is love. All that holds your nation together is love. All that holds the Earth together is love. All that heals any disease in you, your community, your nation or your planet is love. Are you getting the picture here, that love is the most powerful force in the universe?
Love is a great magnet, the force for good, the light needed for understanding, the compassion of giving, the way of caring for each other and ourselves. Love is the creative source of all things. Love is the source of expansion we all desire. Love is the source of all abundance, of all of nature, of all joy, of all kindness, of all consciousness, of all wisdom, of all success, of all peace, of all freedom. Would you like to be one with this source that powers the universe? Of course you would.
I invite you to take a little time today and everyday to sit quietly with your heart and connect to it and then expand your connection to include the Source of All Love. Let the feeling and energy of love expand in you so that you feel the Source of all love is within and around you. Let your love shine throughout the day. You are love, feel it expand it, give it, and open to receive it.
Do you now understand the power of love? Please share your understanding of love by leaving a comment below.
All problems in you, your life and on the planet can be healed with love.
If you want to live in amazement, live in love and feel the joy of such a life.