I have had Martin Luther King on my mind lately. I remember the energetic force he was and how people were lifted up by his words and ideas. The power of motivating and inspiring people is a wonderful gift. Words and ideas have always lifted me up and invited me to think bigger and to be more open in my heart. I want to share with you today some ideas that have inspired me:
- That each of us has an unlimited potential
- That our thinking when focused on the positive can make our life a joy to live
- That there is no limit to the creativity within us
- That within us is the collective wisdom and consciousness of the whole human race
- That we were all created in the likeness of the Infinite Source, The Divine, God, Higher Power
- That we have within us the capacity to heal all illness
- That the words and ideas in you and I are inspirational as the words and ideas in Martin Luther King
- That our capacity to love is so expansive that we could love every living thing on the planet and still have more love to give
- That our breath if deepened can take us into advanced states of relaxation and higher consciousness
- That our ability to visualize can actually shape our world and manifest our desires
- That our energy centers called chakras have the capacity to enrich our lives in many more ways than most people realize.
- That our spirit is our life force and this force existed before our birth and will continue forever after our life ends
- That our body is an incredible creation that can sense emotions, digest food, activate our immune system, feel the lunar influence, think complex thoughts and so much more all while dancing across the floor, painting a picture, laughing out loud or whatever we are up to
- That we can feel emotions that expand us or cause us to contract almost every moment
- That we can imagine the most amazing life or we think ourselves into a life of fear and blame
- That we can choose to be about as happy as we want to be
- That if we learn to follow our bliss, our lives will be a joy to live and an inspiration to others
- That our capacity for listening can help us have compassion for the suffering of others
- That in us is an intuitive guiding force that can always show us the way to happiness
- That in the silence of the moment all is made available to us that we could ever need
- That a sense of gratitude for how wonderful of a life we have will create more for us to be grateful for
- That to know your higher self will set you free to fully express all that you are
- That each of us has a unique purpose that has the power to change the planet
- That every person has within him or her the light of inspiration that can shine out across the Earth
- That living in the moment opens endless opportunities to create the life you want
- That giving to others always makes you feel better
- That within each of us is the ability to allow whatever we want to come into our lives
- That books with expansive ideas can invite the best in the reader to come out into the world
- That a creative design, a wonderful painting, a thoughtful poem or an inspirational song can show us how much we have inside of us waiting to be expressed
- That today is filled with everything you need to be a happy, loving and an inspired human being
- That we are all one
Play with, explore, and enjoy these ideas.