Is It Launch Day In Your Heart?

This morning I was working with a group of managers at a hospital to help build successful relationships with each other and the people they supervise.  This kind of work is always a challenge because you have in this case 6-7 people who have their own ways of viewing what is going on and their own sets of reactions.  I like to work with more of the energy of the participants than the words they are saying.  Words tell me what they are thinking and energy tells me more about the emotional health of the team.  One particular employee in this gathering had emotional overload going on.  The rest of the team was trying to figure out how to work with this. 

I bring up energy here because it is our energy, our passions, and our emotions that make us stand out.  I am a big basketball fan and love to watch the flow of energy in a game as a team rises or falls emotionally.  I grew up in Portland, Oregon and have been a big fan of the Trailblazers.  This year it feels good again to cheer for this young and very energized team.  As an observer, I see a team aligned with each other and their inspirational coach.  Their confidence is growing and their belief in what they are capable of doing takes them higher.  This is fun to watch.  Sitting in the stands with a team like this is a very uplifting experience.

This upward flow of emotions is available in us as it is in optimistic teams.  The key factors to make that happen are: an enthusiasm for what you are doing; a passionate and purposeful desire to succeed and accomplish your goals; an clarity of attention; a creative flow of emotions that stretch you beyond your comfort zone; and a heart bursting with love for living life as fully as you can.  Now that is a formula for success and a lifetime of fun. 

Before you shake your head in amazement at those who can stir their own forces into a frenzy of energetic unstoppable success, take a look in the mirror and imagine a fountain of optimism erupting in you sending you into an orbit around your planets called self-realization and unlimited prosperity.  Look in the mirror again and see the little sparkle in your eyes.  Stand back because that is the rocket of your desires on the launch pad and you can start the count down immediately.   Are you ready?  Maybe you think you need to do this or that, but you don’t.  You are already fully loaded with all the rocket fuel you need.  That fuel is in your mind, your heart and the purpose for which you are here on the planet. 

10 . 9 . 8 . . . . . . . . . . .  are you ready for lift off yet? 

You can live as if nothing can stop you.  Try it, you will like it very much.