Touching Is Needed For Our Well Being

Touch is what I wanted to write about today.  Many of us may feel touch starved.  How much touch do we get in our life?  Touching has real benefits especially for the development of children.   There is research that shows that if we do not receive enough touch as children our brains do not develop fully. 

The research indicates there are a number of benefits from being touched or touching others.  These benefits include: emotional support, boosting of our immune system, enhanced closeness for those we have relationships with, the meeting of attachment needs, pain relief, increase ability to cope, expand our sense of health, enhanced attentiveness, reduced depression, quality of life improvement and even the sense of connection to our spirit. 

Yes without a doubt there are real benefits.  So what kind of touch will we benefit from giving or receiving?  Touching that is kind, compassionate, supportive, respectful, encouraging, and loving.  There are also very therapeutic kinds of touching like massage, other forms of bodywork, Therapeutic Touch, Shiatzu, Cranio-Sacral and many other healing practices. 

When I worked at a chronic pain program a number of years ago there was a nurse name Dolly who always touched the patients lightly and with compassion as they struggled to deal with their discomforts as their medications were reduced.  Inevitably when they were going through the graduation from the 3 week residential pain reduction program, Dolly was always mentioned as someone who made a real difference.  The received the benefits of her touch.

Who do you need to touch more?  Hugs count lots so who do you want to get hugs from and give more hugs to?   Kids love hugs and caring touch.  The elderly really benefit from touch.  Our spouses really want more touch.  We all want more touch.  Lets go out there a touch and hug for the good health and well being of us all. 

Taking A Step Toward Extraordinary

What is the edge for you in your growth?  What do you feel drawn to explore?  What are you waiting for before you fully go for life?  Who are you beyond your personality and your thoughts? These and other questions are part of the process of exploring your life, your path to self-realization, your purpose, your movement toward higher consciousness, your way to freedom, and to the fullest expression of your heart.

The question about your edge for growth is particularly interesting because it is easy for you and I: to play it safe; to ignore the things that don’t feel quite right; to stay with the familiar; to do things as they have always been done in your family, and to stay with the more deeply grooved patterns of habit and the familiar.

The other way is one of: stepping into the unknown; climbing out of the habit driven life; saying yes to new opportunities; opening to what was closed in your heart and/or mind; taking risks; making leaps of faith; and exploring intuitively where to go next.

The way of the familiar is ok and many choose to do what they can control.  This is playing it safe and for most that is what they know how to do.  But it is different for you because you read this blog and other inspirational sources, you seek to wake up, you don’t settle for the ordinary and frankly when you don’t, you make the extraordinary possible for you.

Now let’s imagine that you decided to walk out onto the edge, to go for the extraordinary.  Here are some ways to do that starting today:

  • Let yourself be guided by your intuition
  • Stopping doubting your discomfort or restlessness
  • Feel what you feel and be guided by what makes you feel alive
  • Notice where you get regularly stuck and move past it
  • Go all the way to the finish line with what you start
  • Tune-in to what makes you uneasy and find out why
  • Find where there is energy and go with it
  • Pay attention to the lessons of life
  • Let the natural world show you the way
  • Go with the flow, no more battling upstream
  • Break with the traditions of the family and the past
  • Leave the familiar behind
  • Sense what is calling you
  • Don’t give up when it gets difficult
  • Find out what makes you light up inside
  • Who inspires you?
  • What did you know even as a little kid?
  • Tune into the voice of spirit within you
  • Sit in silence until you are shown what to do next
  • Discover what brings out the child in you
  • What makes you feel free?
  • If you could do anything today, what would it be?
  • Follow your bliss
  • Find where courage is needed in your life
  • Read the stories of people who change the world
  • Find inspiration daily, it all around you
  • Let creative expression take you over
  • Dismiss the inner critic from your employment
  • Follow the beauty of what is waiting to be expressed in you

Stop waiting and begin immediately.



Peace Letter #77

Dear President Obama,

I greatly value human life and trust that most people can be brought back from their unhealthy mental states through care and compassion.  There are no enemies because we are all humans who share this tiny dot of a planet floating out across the universe.  Any ideas that we are not all totally connected is the faulty workings of the rationalizing mind. 

Please end all war and all killing of others by representatives of our government.  This is murder and against the values of all who are awakened to their higher nature.

Joseph Bernard, Ph.D.

Join me and send President Obama emails of support and encourage the end of war and the other dysfunctional ways of government at:


Exxon, Tiger Woods, Comcast and Other Points of Interest

There are a couple of things I have to comment on that have been in the news lately.  As a social activist I feel there is a real need for all of us to speak up when things need to be questioned or when change is necessary.

The first shout out is about ExxonMobil having record profits of $45 Billion in 2009 and paid zero taxes to the US government.  Explain to me how in any way this is fair or right.  At the county where I work we get taxed if we get a $25 gift card for good work.  At Exxon they paid NO taxes to the IRS.  Money buys influence and in this case lots of money buys lots of influence.  Is this ok with you?

A US court decided yesterday that the FCC does not have the authority to regulate the Net to keep the Web neutral.  This court battle was with Comcast and again big money wins.  The fall out of this decision is unknown but when a big corporation wins there is a good chance we lose.  The Web has to remain free and open equally to everyone. 

Washington States’ US Senator Patty Murray’s life was threatened for her support of the healthcare bill.  I have to ask who is spreading such anger and hatred that someone thinks it is ok to threaten another person’s life because they support healthcare.  How did this get so out of hand?  My bias is that those who spread hate and anger are people that are driven by their egos and they do not like it when things do not go as they think they should.  That to me is pure sickness of mind in action.

Lastly I need to say something about Tiger Woods, who amongst us does not have flaws.  This is a very gifted athlete who we all now see has his demons.  I want him to do well because I cheer for all people who overcome their own limits.  Also humility is a great teacher and I am sure down the road he will be a better person from his life lessons.  

There seems to be a great restless in myself and many others.  These times seem so rich with the energy of change.   I hope to gain more insight into where this will take us and I will share with you as I go, please do the same.

Check out this interview with Terry Tempest Williams on Sounds True for a dose of passion and inspiration


Peace Letter #76

Dear President Obama,

I saw a picture of you giving a talk at a college graduation and looked like you were enjoying yourself, so did the interaction with Clark Kellogg and the first pitch you threw out for the Nationals.  It is so good to take advantage of these opportunities when your work is so demanding.  Excellent self-care Mr. President.

I want to put in my almost daily request for you to also bring peace to our nation by removing us from war.   That would relieve much on your shoulders.

Joseph Bernard, Ph.D.

Join me and send President Obama emails of support and encourage the end of war and the other dysfunctional ways of government at:

Using Self-Hypnosis To Dissolve Your Inner Barriers

Recently I have been very interested in self-hypnosis as a tool to use with my clients and to enhance my ability to move past any barriers in my subconscious mind.   Self-hypnosis is a great method for relaxation and for focusing the attention of the mind. A recent podcast interview of Dr Steve Gurgevich on Sounds True got me even more interested so I went looking for resources and there are many of them out there on the Web.  Here is very informative site about how to perform self-hypnosis.  

In my personal work I have come upon some unconscious barriers in my subconscious mind and am working at dissolving these barriers.  After listening to the podcast above, I got a strong intuition that self-hypnosis will be a really helpful tool and I want to explore it.  The subconscious mind can be a real barrier in moving our lives forward when it contains thoughts, ideas and beliefs that are limiting.  That same subconscious mind can be a powerful ally on the journey toward self-realization.  

The following is a self-hypnosis procedure you can use to explore this technique:

  1. Set an intention to work on some aspect of your life (better job, relationship, prosperity, health, etc.)  
  2. Write out suggestions to make to yourself as you get into your deeply relaxed state
  3. Find a quiet place where you can sit comfortably.
  4. Close your eyes and tune inward with the initial focus on a slow relaxed breath
  5. Imagine yourself relaxing more and more with each breath.  Feel yourself breathing in healing energy and releasing any negativity
  6. Then imagine that you are going into a deeper state and count down slowly from 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.  
  7. Now feel the depth of your relaxed state and take a moment to enjoy it
  8. Then make suggestions to your now really focused mind like: your body feels full of energy and completely healthy; your work is now rewarding and fun; you are a money magnet; your heart is filled with love and people come into your life to enjoy the light of love in your heart.
  9. Again be aware of your relaxed state and feel what it would feel like to have what you desire; have all your senses involved in this imagining
  10. Next make a last suggestion that when you wake up each morning you will remember these positive images and feelings as you begin each day
  11. Now tell yourself you are going to come out of this deeply relaxed and focus state at the count of three. 1 . 2 . 3

Don’t forget to read the article about self-hypnosis mentioned above and for more examples go or Google and search for self-hypnosis.  I predict you will be very impressed with the results you create. 


Peace Letter #75

Dear President Obama,

With the lack of gratitude by President Karzai doesn’t it put into question what we are doing?  Are we loosing lives and billions for this? Isn’t it time to re-evaluated what we are doing in Afghanistan?

We are grateful that each day you show up to your job and do your best.  That is the best we can expect.   Ending war is a good positive direction to take this day. 

Joseph Bernard, Ph.D.

Join me and send President Obama emails of support and encourage the end of war and the other dysfunctional ways of government at:

Meeting Yourself

The trails have cleared of most of the ice, snow and mud so I could again run up into the mountains.  It was a good way to celebrate life and the Easter Holiday.  As a kid Easter was lots of fun, as an adult I am unsure what the holiday is about.  The Christian religions celebrate the story of the Son of God rising from the dead.  This to me is more myth, as is so much of what we are told about life as we grow up.  The unfortunate thing is that many of us live confused about who we are because of the strange beliefs and ideas of our childhood. 

There is a better way of living than this life of confused ideas of self and our place in the world.   Meeting Yourself is the title of this post because that is what’s needs to happen to move past the limiting thoughts of self and the life that is possible.  Meeting yourself is about being:

  • Comfortable exploring who you are
  • Comfortable in your own skin
  • OK with you as you are
  • Aware of your own mind and its many thoughts
  • In touch with your feelings with a kind acceptance of all of them
  • Free to explore what comes up in you without judgment
  • Accepting of your own uniqueness
  • Able to touch in with your infinite nature
  • Able to live in wonder of what is possible within you
  • Able to look into your own eyes and feel appreciation
  • Able to love yourself unconditionally.

All of these ways of being with self do not tell the whole story although they are helpful in seeing what this might look like meeting yourself.  At a deeper level this meeting is about you showing up to be with you.  There is no assessment, conditions, or judgments; there is just you in openness able to be with yourself fully in the moment.   This meeting is also about being fully present to every memory of the past and ever hope for the future.  All of you is totally ok no matter the past ok whatever happens in the future. 

There is a grace in being fully present to yourself and a genuine freedom from living is the place of being you as you do life. 

Sit down and grab a notebook and begin to find out who you are separate from any story in your head or any preconceived notions. This fresh look at self has the ability to allow you to really expand into the life you want because that evolving you is now fully engaged in being the real you. 

Who am I?” is one of the ultimate questions and if you go exploring you will discover much more than you ever realized.


Peace Letter #74

Dear President Obama,

The ugliness of war is not what we want and yet the government seems unable to disengage.  Why is that?  Why does every president engage is some type of war activity?  Are you unable to ignore the military’s bias for war or the corporate profit making that happens.  Why can’t we break this cycle?  Why is our government engaged in the killing of innocent people?  What rationalization can make that ok?

Please find the peace in your heart and end our nations involvement in war.

Joseph Bernard, Ph.D.

Join me and send President Obama emails of support and encourage the end of war and the other dysfunctional ways of government at:

Inspirational Podcasts, Open To Guidance, & Finding Appreciation

It is a sunny and windy Saturday morning and I am patiently waiting for it to warm up some before I venture out on my bike.  I am excited about some things I wanted to share with you today. 

First is that I have discovered a really great source for inspiration - podcasts.  Yes I know they have been around but with my new i-Pod shuffle I can now download the most amazing and inspirational thoughts and ideas.  The source for these downloads that I have discovered is at a site called Sounds True  and a podcast series called Insights At The Edge.  There are over 50 leading edge travelers in the realms of spirit, expanded awareness, consciousness, psychology, etc.  Check this out and join me and be inspired beyond the normal pathways of thought that our minds too often go over and over.

Secondly I have been thinking about guidance and ways we can move beyond the blind spots and old stuck thoughts, beliefs and behaviors.  In the past I have shared about the importance of connected with the higher wisdom we have.  That higher wisdom comes in the form of Higher Self, Spirit, Source Energy, Spirit Guide, or something other type of channel tuned to a higher frequency than our normal thinking mind. 

Our guides can manifest: as a person who shows up as a teacher; in can be inspiration and intuition that comes to us internally; it can be an a nature source like listening to a stream or the wisdom of the seasons; it can be a power animal; it can be a conversation with the God of your understanding; sometimes it is a book that shows up in your life; and many other forms that are unique to each of us that is receptive to guidance.  What guidance are you open to beyond your busy noisy mind?  If you do not have a source please take some time to open to it because I am confident beyond doubt that your higher guidance is waiting for you right this very moment.

Thirdly, in my readings about flow, evolution and manifestation, it seems that a key ingredient for have the life we want is appreciation.  Appreciating what is instead of wanting it to be different.  Appreciating ourselves for who we are, self love is powerful.  Appreciating our purpose and passions and exploring them.  Appreciating the gifts of life that come to us daily. It seems very clear that the more we appreciate the more we have to appreciate. 

Also here is a very interesting article on some recent health studies that is well worth reading. 

Please share with me and my other readers what you discover while exploring any of today’s ideas.  A community of people awakening together is a wonderful thing.  Peace to you.


Peace Letter #73

Dear President Obama,

The hate in this country is growing and it is because people close their minds instead of becoming more conscious human beings.  Fear causes many to contract, close down and withdraw.  In that closed state nothing comes in that can change their thinking because they keep feeding their mind with the same limited and limiting points of view.  Much of talk radio is a virus that feeds fear. 

The country needs your strong voice and many others to speak up for compassion, consciousness and that fact that we are much more connected than separate.  We are all in this together.  There is no need for such high charged opposition if we understand we are all connected.  Compassion naturally arises when people open their minds and hearts.

Please take us out of the closed mindedness of war.

Joseph Bernard, Ph.D.

Join me and send President Obama emails of support and encourage the end of war and the other dysfunctional ways of government at:


Evolutionary Willingness

It is late Thursday evening and I am sitting here writing my first draft for tomorrow’s post while a Blazer Vs Nuggets game is playing on TNT.   The game is on mute so I can look up ever so often to check the score.  Yes, my Macbook is so nice for indulging two of my passions, my blog and my Blazers.  

On Wednesday my post mentioned The Evolutionary Guidebook I got as a gift and this book is the inspiration for my post today.  It is written around seven guidelines and the first one, “Willingness” got me thinking a lot. 

How often do we show a willingness to go with the flow of life, with our intuitive knowing, or with the guidance of our higher nature?  Instead it seems we too often try to use our will power or ego to make things happen.

Should life be about trying to push the river or flowing with it?  Should it be about hanging on for dear life along the shore afraid to let go or should it be letting go and go downstream in a willing surrender to great and wiser forces? 

It seems that those of us that are forward thinking tend to put our efforts into creating future results and sometimes miss out because of our unwillingness to go with what is.  Those of us that hang onto the past, as if it was better, get stuck with old ideas running us and we never let go into the flow because we live in fear of what is to come.  Willingness is going with the flow; being willing to step into the river of evolving life trusting in the higher source’s guiding energy.

Willingness is being ready to move beyond the ego and the tyranny of small-minded self-interest.  This is a willing receptivity to be guided by a greater force than personal needs.

Imagine everything is perfectly aligned with who we are capable of becoming if we are simply and willing step into the flow of the greater forces of planetary evolution.

Imagine the energy made available if you were willing to drop your effortfulness and instead chose to go with the higher forces wanting, waiting and willing to guide us.

What do you think?  Are you present to the guidance available that want to further evolve humanity?  The time is now for us all to listen more deeply.  Enjoy your weekend.

Rethinking Work As A Capitalistic Model

My job is changing again with another shift in my hours and no consult with me as to what might interest me.  I tend to be easy to get along with and not one to create waves.  I am not a complainer but if I am unhappy I will speak up.  I did today and people responded with apologies.  How come in a counseling agency there is not more communications between the people who run the agency and those who deliver the services? 

Where you work, is there real communications going on with the intention of all parts of the organization working together?  Or are decisions handed down and people just do what they are told? Most people including myself tend to feel as if they have very little power at work.  It seems the only option for most employees is to quit if they are dissatisfied.  Is that the way it is where you work?  What happened to power for the people?

How come in America unions have lost most of their power?  How come most people only get two weeks vacation and are expected to work the other 50 weeks?  In Europe many people get a month off to rest and recuperate.  What is with the 40-hour work week and how come we all just agree to it?  Work seems like a giant trance many just do without much questioning.  Where did the idea of work dominating most of our adult life come from?  Sometimes it feels like the masses get just enough wages to get by on while many live in incredible wealth, why is that?  The trade treaties our government signed in the recent past under Clinton and Bush were basically for the benefit of the corporations with little or no real concern for the needs of the workers. 

Out of 40 years of working I have come to wonder what has this been about and why did I comply?  I feel myself growing very restless and I sense I will soon leave the old work pattern behind.  Yes my work has meaning and purpose but it is does not feel ok to work with clients who aren’t interested in help. Requirements seem to cause numbness and resentment without communications.  Yes I know work is not a democracy but working in a system that is driven by a capitalistic model seems to care little about me as a human being.  It seems odd in some way that the organization I work for cares more about the care of the clients we serve than the employee’s.  This is very much like the private sector where making money wins out over the needs of the workers.

What is your work life like?  Do you like working as many hours as you do?  Are you satisfied with the domination of the capitalistic model over your work life? 

It seems time for us to wake up to the limits placed on us in the name of social norms driven by the for profit model.  Most people I know are very compliant and passive in the work world, none of them are lazy, and they all want a better life.  So what changes would you make?


Peace Letter #72

Dear President Obama,

The working people of this nation are the ones who suffer the most when no one regulates the private sector.  It has always been that way and the Bush years proved that clearly.  Yet many Americans have been conditioned to believe in free market capitalism even though it is clearly against their best interests.  How can we wake them up so they can become informed citizens?

The working people of this nation want peace not war, they want hope for the future not the fear based political system, they want a better life for their families not a damage planet and they want a government responsive to their needs not the money influenced Congress in Washington D.C.  Yes there is much to do and we who can see what is going on are behind you. 

Joseph Bernard, Ph.D.

Join me and send President Obama emails of support and encourage the end of war and the other dysfunctional ways of government at:

Reading And Silence For Inspiration

My mind continues to spin with activity lately.  There is so much I want to read about, learn and use to help the journey of my clients and you the readers.  I got this really interesting little book as a birthday gift called, The Evolutionary Guidebook, Follow Your Heart, Be your Power by E Smith and B Gotwald two local writers.  Even though I just began reading this book I am already excited.  There is a site with this book which is available for more information.

Reading is one of my favorite sources for inspiration.  Silence is another favorite source.  So too is the intuitive that seems to flow more the more I am open to being guided.  This book and the other two I recently mentioned came to me to inspire me and to lift me up.  How do I know that?  The biggest confirmation that these books were presented to me for a purpose is that they fill me with the energy and expand my consciousness and add to my tool box of understanding necessary to help others at a more inspired level. 

Now I am off to the Apple Store for a tutor session about my Macbook.  This traveling computer is a great inspiration because I can be mobile now and soak in the ideas and energy of new places for writing and contemplation. 

Have you had an opportunity to try the walking meditation?  If so what questions do you have?  If not take some time in the next day or so to give you, your body, heart, mind and spirit a ride into the altered state of being in the present.  Mindful practice like this is so quiet and simple but much more powerful than you can imagine. 

Sitting at the Mac Store I am now awaiting my class and being as fully mindful as I can be.  I am aware of the noise and activity, the excitement about learning as my body feels energized.  I hurried to get here and now I am early.  It is so difficult at times to slow down, to just be in moment, to enjoy the richness of life as it is presented to me in the present.  I don’t need to hurry to what is next or keep searching because so much of what I want to find is here and now. 

The One to One class at the Apple store was fun and I learned some really handy things I can do.  Now I am excited to go try these things out.  Again the call to do, but the being is more important. 

Today is payday at work yeah and yahoo!  Be present for the real gift of living.


Peace Letter #71

Dear President Obama,

Do you ever get anytime to slow down?  Have you ever been taught any mindful practices?  These practices would be very valuable to you.  I teach them to my clients and their lives get better and they find their way to some peace inside. 

I work everyday to help others find at least moments peace of mind and a more positive sense of self.  This work is about spreading peace.  Please do all you can to spread peace in the world.  Thank you.

Joseph Bernard, Ph.D.

Join me and send President Obama emails of support and encourage the end of war and the other dysfunctional ways of government at:

Are You An Open And Active Learner?

Sometimes I sit down to write and have no idea what will come out and this is one of those times.  I have been doing lots of reading lately so my mind is full of ideas especially about how the mind/brain work.  As I write this now what comes to mind is about having a willingness to learn and differing styles of learning as I thought about my three sessions with clients yesterday afternoon. Each client brings there own set of ideas and receptivity to the process of therapy which is definitely a learning process.  

One client is a super learner who soaks in ideas of interest like a sponge.  He soaks up books.  He does his own research on topics he wants to learn about. Today he talked about nuclear fuel enrichment, a psychoactive drugs in the brain and how it works to alter a person state, and different dream states he recognizes in himself.  He is about awareness and has an endless desire to learn.

The next client wants to study psychology but seems distrustful of the process of having to come to therapy. He does have a curious mind that is inhibited by his lack of trust but that trust can be built and his curiosity could really bloom.  Until then his learning and awareness will be held back by a skeptical mind.  A skeptical mind is partially closed and usually the person is unaware of that pending closure.

The last client is a kind of a light and happy guy who is amazed that he is staying clean and sober so easily. His mind got clear that he wanted to put the drugs behind him and that is what he is doing in a relatively easy way.  He is not so active in learning but more in the flow of what is.  He learns more by experience and less as an active seeker.  Life is a day-to-day journey, which he tries to go with and see what happens.   

Each of us has our own style of learning that is unique to our life circumstances.  Here are few questions about you, your mind, and your learning:

  • Are you an active learner? 
  • Do you read a lot? 
  • Do you research your areas of interest? 
  • Is you mind open, closed or in between? 
  • Do learn better by sight, by hearing, by feel or a combination of these? 
  • Do you even know what your learning strengths are and what your blindspots are? 
  • Do you trust others as teachers? 
  • Do you learn intuitively? 
  • Was school a postive experience or negative? 
  • What kinds of people inspire you and uplift you?
  • What do you learn about yourself asking these questions?

A dose of humility is always a good teacher.  Monday evening I often play table tennis with a group of people who are very competitive.  I am getting back into the sport and constantly get big doses of humility and it is still fun. 

Every aspect of life has lessons for us if you are aware there is much to learn every day.  What are you going to learn today?


Peace Letter #70

Dear President Obama,

I just turn 60 and my whole adult life I have opposed all the wars we have been in because there were all insane ideas caused by human egos.  Today in our country there is great unrest and growing violence and that is no surprise because we as a nation have advocated for violence in the form of war for centuries. 

I wanted to again state there is no such thing as a good war and waging war is an insane human fascination that does not benefit humanity in any way.  War is the most primitive intervention and the most costly.  Please change your mind about Afghanistan because what we are doing there will not work and please get us out of Iraq soon.

Joseph Bernard, Ph.D.

Join me and send President Obama emails of support and encourage the end of war and the other dysfunctional ways of government at:


Mindfulness, I-Chatting With a Friend, Siegel and Amen


The last three days have been off from work and it has been a great break that I really needed.  My clients are very challenging and the paperwork in my temporary placement in Outpatient has been frustrating.  I needed to clear my head and return to flowing in a more hopeful and positive direction.

How I got myself back on course was first reconnect with a very good friend on Vancouver Island.  With my new computer we could do i-Chat and talk while seeing each other.  It worked really well and was so uplifting to me.  Wise friends are a wonderful gift.  He shared with me two authors he thought I would appreciate reading and the new ideas I have explored already have me very excited about their ideas.  The both write about the latest understand of the mind/brain and how we can create more personal health and more health on the planet.  Dan Siegel, Mindsight and Daniel Amen, Change Your Brain, Change Your Life are the two authors I am just beginning to explore.  I will share as I read what they have to offer.

Mindfulness and self-care continue to coming up for me as something I have to share in the form of talks and presentations and also I thinking it is time to write an e-book on Mindfulness and self-care. 

These times we live in are challenging, as you well know.  It seems more and more important that you and I learn to take good care of ourselves.  The stress alone of our high-speed lives is enough to push most of us out of balance.  Then we add the struggles of job and finances and we have more need to take care of self.  The political noise is also disruptive as our government tries to function under the weight of influence and that too is disruptive to our peace of mind.  Mindfulness is a perfect antidote in these times of uncertainty, chaos and stress. 

Let’s take a minute to talk about a simple mindfulness practice you can use this week to offset the negative around you and uplift the positive flow within you.  The practice is walking-meditation which I find enjoyable and very helpful.  Here is the practice:

No matter the weather outside it is best to walk where the air is fresh and the aliveness of nature can touch you.  It can be in a park or around your neighborhood.  I enjoy late in the evening when it is very quiet out.  Early morning or under the afternoon sun have their benefits.

Begin by having a commitment to walk with awareness.  This means as the mind wanders bring it back into the moment as you walking.  The breath is a great guide for being present.  Walking with awareness can be simply following the inhale and exhale of your breath as you move about.  It seems best to start with a more internal focus like your breath or feeling your feet touch the ground as you walk.  This internal focus has the ability to bring you fully into the now both in the body and to the surroundings.  You can be fully present to yourself and to the environment you are traveling through.  This being present to you and your world is mindfulness.  

This practice is very rewarding because in the now joy, peace and compassion naturally arise as you leave the past behind and the worries of tomorrow for tomorrow.  The more you practice this in an effortless way the more you will feel the benefits.  Effortless in this practice means with intention to be present and much kindness toward self along the way.   Enjoy this practice and allow its benefits to enrich your life, which it will in many ways.

My typical after 9:30 pm walk is a combination of intentions.  I often use the uphill portion that begins at my home as a mini workout for 15-20 minutes with arm swinging and lungs and heart working more.  Than I do 15-20 minutes back down as a walking meditation.  This regular practice has been interrupted briefly several times recently by nature in the form of four legged surprises.  Three times lately I have been surprised by out of the shadows quickly moving big bodies.  They were deer who had ventured down from the mountains near my home.  Each time the startle affect was enough to take a few minutes to settle back down.  One thing for sure I became even more mindful as I finished the walk. 

Also at night lately a skunk scurried very near me and I gave him lots of space because as you most likely know they can raise a big stink.  After I was sure we had both returned to our comfort zones I was able to be mindful again and appreciate all that these encounters stirred up in me from fear to appreciating the natural beauty of nature and it’s creatures. 

Have a great week and enjoy walking mindfully. 


Peace Letter #69

Dear President Obama,

Yes we do badly need financial reform and it needs to be substantial with what is good of the people as the main focus.  Your support for these changes is very important for all of us.  Great job making appointments while Congress is away.  Mr. Bush did that often but his appointments were often a disaster.  I have greater trust is you to make good selections again with the people in mind.

Our biggest financial reform needed is to forever put an end to war, which is disastrous at every level.  I know you promised our troops that we don’t give up.  Giving up is not what they care about, they care about their families and about their lives.  Please bring our troops home from the Middle East wars because it is the sane thing to do. 

Joseph Bernard, Ph.D.

Join me and send President Obama emails of support and encourage the end of war and the other dysfunctional ways of government at:


Trauma, Mind Development and Tea Party Anger

I don’t feel any older today after yesterday’s birthday but I am fired up and I wanted to share with you some thoughts.  I am still contemplating about exploring another blog and some other directions in my work but I am unsure what is the best next step so I will tune in and wait for guidance.  Here is what has been on my mind lately.

A Boy Raised As A Dog by Bruce Perry is the name of a book that I am reading about early trauma and its affects on brain development.  This book is fascinating since most of the addicts and alcoholics I work with come from traumatic childhoods.  Most addicts and most people in prisons were seriously abused or neglected as children and this is a major cause of social issues in this country. 

As a therapist and as social activist I really wanted to explore this topic of mind development and the usefulness of mindfulness in conjunction, which I have been exploring at the treatment program.  The name of Dan Siegel came up yesterday in my i-chat conversation with my friend on Vancouver Island as someone I need to read and I have already put several of his books on hold at the library.  I will share more soon about the topics of trauma, mind and mindfulness.

What I am stirred up about lately is the nature of inclusion and exclusion that seems to be part of the political discourse in our nation.  The tea party group which is in the news a lot, but I suspect much smaller than the media portrays, seems to want to exclude everyone who thinks differently then they do.  This is all about ego and wanting to be in control. 

If we take the time to watch our thoughts would it not become clear that we are driven by the need to have things go our way? When they don’t we get pissed and spit, throw things and make unkind remarks.  If that angry response is not the ego-mind at work in plain sight I don’t know what is. 

The exclusion list by those with closed hearts and minds include: liberals, gays, government, minorities, illegal aliens, doctors who support the right of women to have choice over their own body, treehuggers, the helpless and homeless, hopeful people, people who have compassion, and in general people who question their own thoughts.  This list is again about wanting to be in control of others and run by the emotions of fear which are anger and hate.  The cheerleaders for this group are Palin, Rush, Beck, Fox News etc.  They are inciting unrest by their loud, misinforming, angry egos.  Please be cautious around these people for they are out of touch with their higher nature.

Inclusion is what our nation has been about since its inception.  America is a big tent kind of nation and we need to again remember that inclusion is what we are about.  Inclusion is filled with compassion for our fellow human beings.  Inclusion is about: equal opportunities, taking care of each other, a variety of viewpoints, religious freedom, all forms of sexuality, freedom of speech (not about spreading hate), dropping the need to judge others, welcoming all who want to share this nation together, government by the people, a more fair distribution of wealth, taxes for what is needed (not to fuel war), and a maturity and wisdom that is found in every thoughtful human being.  This nation is filled with kindness and thoughtfulness and we need to remember that instead of focus on what is wrong.

Now I want to try and bring this national inclusion/exclusion topic around to trauma.  As an observer of humanity, from close up, for 35 years, I am going to venture to guess that many of those who are driven to exclude others have some form of trauma or neglect in their childhood.  These past pains were not necessarily obvious but the child’s developing mind could have made some powerful decisions about life as distrustful, hurtful, unsafe, emotionally dangerous, fearful and therefore to survive one must hold back, hide, protect and be cautious or whatever interpretations were made from the lack of information and perspective of the child’s mind.  Let me see if I can state this more clearly.  If a person’s past was emotionally, physically, and/or mentally painful or hurtful, there is a very good chance that past is impacting their present. 

An ego-driven mind is run by fear, protective, and controlling and that sounds like the working of a painful past.  

Let me know what your response to these ideas are because in the process we can learn as we go and grow.      

The Big 60

Today is my 60th Birthday and I am excited to be alive and full of inspiration and energy.  My chronological age is 60 years but my body is much younger and my mind and heart are more open than ever.  I so much appreciate the life I have and all that flow that is coming my way. 

I am as passionate about peace, living with purpose and in expressing my potential through consciousness as ever.  The ideas and inspiration are flowing so richly that I am thinking about writing another blog in celebration of turning 60.  I am thinking something like a blog called Progressive Minds (working title) which will focus on progressive ideas, courage of compassion, consciousness in action with a taste of the lighter side which would be a good stretch so I don’t just turn this new blog into a rant site. 

The other possible blog could be the Counseling Zone (working title) more of a question and answer site for those interested in more optimal states of mental, emotional, physical and spiritual health.  This is more aligned with my profession and something I have been doing for over 35 years. 

Neither new blog is clear yet but something is stirring in both arenas.  If you have an opinion about what your preference is, let me know.  Either will move me more into a specific genre and I can do more with ads and other money making opportunities to enhance my financials which is needed from my years of working in human services. 

I look forward to having a fun day and a dinner with friends tomorrow.  Peace and love to each of you that takes part of your day to stop by and read whatever inspiration is talking through my fingers.  It is a good day to be alive.

Beyond The Barriers Of The Subconscious Mind

Recently I watch a series of interesting videos by Bob Proctor about creating the life you want.  I encourage you to check this series out - click here to watch this series. 

If you are like me, you are always wanting to learn more about how your mind works.  I have been a student of the conscious and subconscious mind for most of my adult life and yet still feel there is more to learn and more success for me to create.  

The conscious mind is the gateway that lets stuff in or not.  It is selective and it is aware if what we are thinking.  The subconscious mind is not selective and filled mostly with the past conditioning we received as a child.  The subconscious mind is the key to our creating the life we desire.  The videos will explain this to you better than I do. 

The point of the videos and this post is to explore how you (and I) can get past the early childhood programming from your family and the world around you in the formative years.  Those old ideas tend to stick around and shape so much about how your life turns out.  Their influence is powerful because they provide the basic of how you see the world. 

If you learn at an early age that life is a struggle and just getting by is the way it was in your family then there is a good change you will play out a similar story in your own adult life.   If you are born into an affluent family you may think of life as a prosperous journey of fun adventures and as adults you would create that for your family because it fits the conditioning of you subconscious mind.

You are what you think you are at the subconscious level.  If you notice in your life that you have regular patterns they are most likely to be products of the subconscious programming you received. 

Changing the influence of your formative years is not easy and too often you just try to push forward but never seem to get beyond these learned limitations.  Positive thoughts piled on top of deeply grooved conditioning does little to alter your life toward a higher expression.  

Mr Proctor would like to show you the way and I will explore further the course he is offering because I believe he has something significant to offer.  In the mean time here is a tentative plan I am going to explore and I invite you to give it a try with me. 

That plan is to move you and I beyond the barriers of the subconscious mind include:

  • First I must be aware that I am the barrier to my ideal life and I totally and complete accept myself even in the recognition that I am in my own way.
  • Second I am going to assume that I have some limiting ideas that are holding me back.
  • Third I commit to being aware of old thoughts, patterns and beliefs that are part of this conditioning.  With awareness I have choice.
  • Fourth I know this process is beyond my ordinary conscious thought and that a deeper connection to my Higher Self will be helpful.
  • Fifth I trust I can move beyond the barriers of the past and to do this I visualize these barriers as porous from all my past attempts at breakthrough from my conditioning.  These barriers are now dissolving through my awareness and my focused barrage of hopeful and positive intentions and affirmations.
  • Sixth I see myself as opening a floodgate of opportunity and abundance and I feel how wonderful that feels.  Soon I am living the reality of my greatest and more expansive desires. 

Join me if you wish and together we will see how this all works out. 


Peace Letter #68

Dear President Obama,


There appears to be some dangerous opposition to change in this country.  I highly encourage a campaign to teach people about tolerance and the right to different points of view.  We as a nation have the duty to teach understanding and compassion.  That is real education at a basic and essential level.

I also think as long as this nation engages in war than there will be people who will rationalize violence as ok.  Please work for peace and away from war.


Joseph Bernard, Ph.D.

Join me and send President Obama emails of support and encourage the end of war and the other dysfunctional ways of government at:

Why Is There Such Discontent About Changes In Our Nation?

Warm, cold, warm, cold that is the weather here in Colorado.  Yesterday was a nice mild day, today the snow in falling and there is over a foot expected of this white wonder. Didn't the weather get the report that Spring had arrived?

It seems important to not get too caught up in the all out assault of those opposed to change in our nation.  The energy of anger and hate is so distasteful and it made me think why are people so upset these days.  I have my opinions and I am confident you do also.  But opinions are just points of view and most of us have no desire to uncivil, be rude or actual threatening to those who see the world differently.  But there seems to be some out there in our nation that are filled with such anger and hate toward others who see the world differently.  People were yelling racist remarks and spitting at those they opposed.  What is this about?  I have five theories on why there is such discontent about change and I wonder what you my reader think. 

  • The world of news especially on Fox is all about opinion and bashing those who see thing differently then they do. Since when is the opinion of others wrong rather than just another opinion?
  • There are people who will say anything and totally distort the truth in support of their point of view.  This ability to rationalize their dishonesty shows a lack of a connection to higher values.
  • Most of the government and corporate systems are run by the paradigm of the ego, which is all about being in power and control.  These ego-based systems are beginning to collapse and this is causing great unrest to those in power and control.
  • Somewhere along the way the heart got push aside as a guiding principle and the way of greed has become a dominating force.  This need for more profits at whatever cost is a very self-destructive.  A lack of compassion makes us a heartless society.
  • The 5% with 90% of the financial resources do not want things to change so fear is the tactic used to control the masses.  Who owns the media and controls the message?

These are my thoughts, what are yours? 

The antidote to what ails us, our nation, and the planet is compassion, consciousness and the realization that we are all connected to each other.  Open minds and hearts, the salve of silence, and the move to higher truths will set us free. 


Peace Letter #67

Dear President Obama,

Thank you for you work on healthcare reform.  This is a great beginning step to moving our country forward.  Your continued efforts are so appreciated.  So many of us are behind you.

Please now move to remove us from war.  Let’s move to helping other nations with only minimal military involvement.  We cannot afford this costly intervention of the past.

Joseph Bernard, Ph.D.

Join me and send President Obama emails of support and encourage the end of war and the other dysfunctional ways of government at:


Inspiration From Inside and Through Art

This is my first post from my new Macbook.  Yeah!!!  Now I need to set up a time to be at the Apple store for help with the transfer of my music, favorites, and photo’s.  This all is more complicated than a non-geek mind can comprehend.  That is ok because I have other strengths.  I am much better with people and their complicate psyche than the workings of a computer.  So I work with people and leave my computer to those who are experts. 

What are you good at?  What is it best for you to leave to others?  Answering this is called awareness.  The more aware you are the more you create the life of your choice.

There has been so much transition going on lately in my life that I feel overwhelmed and need to put my focus on tuning back inward.  There is no substitute for quiet time and to return more fully into my mind, body, heart, and spirit. 

Yesterday early morning I discovered two really interesting sites on  I wanted to share them with you because one contains instruction about meditation and the other shows art in its highest form.  One will take you to a higher place through being fully present and the other will lift you up through creative genius.

The meditation instruction can be found here via the U.K. 

The second one is the work of Michelangelo in the Sistine Chapel. 

I hope to get back to regular blogging form in the next few daysIf you get a chance please send President Obama words of encouragement and support for his work on healthcare reform.  We have him to thank for his efforts as well as many more.  Also if you would remind him it is also a good idea to get us out of war ASAP for the good of the nation at so many levels.

Thank you and have a great day.

Health Care Passes YES! A Good Start to Spring

Everything is not working that well today because I got a new Apple MacBook and I am caught in the middle of transferring my stuff to the new computer and it is not working right.  

The vote in Congress last night was historic with the passing of the Healthcare Bill.  It is an imperfect bill but much better than we had and a move in the right direction.  Yes this is step one of many changes needed.  

Welcome to Spring – I am so glad we made it through this very cold winter.  I hope the light and warmth of the next 6 months replace the old closed ways of the past we have seen holding on mightily in Washington DC and elsewhere.  Change is for the positive and more consciousness is the way not holding onto the ego based systems of control and greed that are running our country.

Here are ten benefits which come online within six months of the President's signature on the health care bill:
1.    Adult children may remain as dependents on their parents’ policy until their 27th birthday
2.    Children under age 19 may not be excluded for pre-existing conditions
3.    No more lifetime or annual caps on coverage
4.    Free preventative care for all
5.    Adults with pre-existing conditions may buy into a national high-risk pool until the exchanges come online. While these will not be cheap, they’re still better than total exclusion and get some benefit from a wider pool of insureds.
6.    Small businesses will be entitled to a tax credit for 2009 and 2010, which could be as much as 50% of what they pay for employees’ health insurance.
7.    The “donut hole” closes for Medicare patients, making prescription medications more affordable for seniors.
8.    Requirement that all insurers must post their balance sheets on the Internet and fully disclose administrative costs, executive compensation packages, and benefit payments.
9.    Authorizes early funding of community health centers in all 50 states (Bernie Sanders’ amendment). Community health centers provide primary, dental and vision services to people in the community, based on a sliding scale for payment according to ability to pay.
10.    And no more rescissions. Effective immediately, you can't lose your insurance because you get sick.

I got this from the from the political blog called Crooks and Liars Blog.

Have a good day and I hope to get this computer working better today with the kind help of my wife taking it to the Mac Store and getting it all set up right.  

Capitalism: A Love Story or A Nightmare?

Last night I sat after a busy week and watched the movie Capitalism: A Love Story by Michael Moore.  The movie finally became available through Netflix and it was top on our list.  Michael Moore is kind of a hero to me because he questions the establishment and so much of what most of us take for granted.  This movie is a must for anyone who questions what is going on in this country and in our government. 

This movie contains so many eye opening points, even the special features after the movie are a must see because there is more to be enlightened about there.  One of the points I got really clearly from this film is that capitalism is a real thorn in the side of our democracy.  This is an economic system that is simply not sustainable. 

The formula of a Democracy is one person = one vote. 
The formula for capitalism is one dollar = one vote. 

In these simple formulas we can see the major cause of most of our problems in this nation and around the world.  It seems to me that if the people actually ran the world the problems would be worked out.  The reality is that the 5% of the people that have the 90% of the wealth have all the votes in our economic system.  So does this economic system work best for the people or for the ones with the most votes?   Is that OK with you?

This movie charged up the social justice advocate in me.  Our system is broken and many, many, many people are suffering because it is.  I personally do not like to see, know of, or hear about my fellow brothers and sisters suffering.  I have dedicated myself and my career to helping those that suffer and I feel like I need to do more.  How about you, are you with me on this? 

A couple of other points I want to share with you and again I want to recommend seeing this movie soon.  The time is now to move into action.  

The financial bailout was highway robbery perpetrated by our government officials who you and I elected to look out for us.  They were not looking out for us they were looking out for those who benefited the most from our economic system.  

People loosing their homes, because of slippery banking/mortgage practices, is an awful crime towards humanity.  Every 7 seconds there is a housing foreclosure in this country.  Many of those houses then stand abandoned and the people who loose their homes become homeless.  This is wrong, so wrong.    

The lack of compassion and plain ruthlessness of capitalism seems to me to be against all the key teachings of all religions.  Anyone that rationalizes their crimes of greed against humanity by claiming God as their partner has no idea who God is. 

I could go on and on but I clearly see the need for change and rededicate myself to do my best in every way I can to work toward the end of suffering and towards a system that is run by compassion and consciousness.  Would you join me in whatever ways you have a passion to make a difference? 

Peace Letter #66

Dear President Obama,

I saw the movie called Capitalism; A Love Story
by Michael Moore and I saw what you are up against and all the influence that you must have to deal with in every change you work for and I have a greater compassion for your journey.

Please call on all of us to help you take on the systems that want to stay the same because it benefits all those who have influence.  Your fighting for healthcare has been inspirational.  Please add to the bill when you get it a “public option” as Mr. Bush added and subtracted things all the time when he signed bills.  Also end the wars because they are part of our imperialistic past and no longer work for us.

Joseph Bernard, Ph.D.

Join me and send President Obama emails of support and encourage the end of war and the other dysfunctional ways of government at:

Maybe Being Sick Begins In The Mind

Yikes!!! Yesterday it was a nice warm day and I played golf before work, this morning there is 3 inches of snow and it is cold out there.  Lately I have been thinking about the long bout with the cold and flu I had for over three week.  Normally I am totally healthy and do not get sick so I began to wonder about the circumstances that created and maintained this long lasting cold and sore throat.  When I get stuck for answers I tend to go in search of ideas from other people, the web, books and articles.  

In my search I came upon these ideas and wanted to share them with you in the hopes that we could all benefit from an expanded level of consciousness about what makes us healthy and what my cause us to get ill:

•    First idea was that our body responds very directly to our thoughts.  If we are focused on what is not ok in our life, on what is wrong, who is to blame etc. that focus has a disturbing affect on our health.  So a negative mindset can be a cause of illness.  The thoughts we have may cause us to get sick.  
•    Second idea is that when we get sick we tend to focus on what feels bad, what hurts, how tired we are, how low energy we feel and that focus makes getting well more difficult.   So a focus on the challenging symptoms may cause the illness to continue or even get worse.  The body is responding to our thoughts.   
•    Third idea is that when we are ill it is best to focus on well-being; when wanting health we need to focus on what is hopeful, positive and makes us feel good.  As stated in the first idea, the body responds very directly to our thoughts.  Thought focus on well being, gratitude, appreciation, uplifting emotions and positive outcomes create health, well-being and great results.
•    Fourth idea is that to get ill is not an indictment on you but rather points out that your mind is working in a way that is not health producing.  This is another reminder of the importance of being aware of and questioning our thoughts.  The attention of the mind shapes your health and well-being.  

I hope you found these ideas helpful.  They seemed insightful to me and will make it easier for me to keep aware of my own well-being in ways that assure my health and happiness.  Please feel free to share these ideas if you know someone would benefit from them.  

 Peace Letter #65

Dear President Obama,

Postponing your trip to push the Healthcare bill is a wise move and part of making your important agenda happen.  Now would you postpone any further buildup of the war in Afghanistan for the good of our country and the welfare of our citizens in need?

In our state of Colorado, which is already last of the 50 states in providing services to those with mental health issues, the budget mess this country is in is even further crippling us.  This mess is because of war and the other disasters of the past administration.     

Joseph Bernard, Ph.D.

Join me and send President Obama emails of support and encourage the end of war and the other dysfunctional ways of government at: