I don’t feel any older today after yesterday’s birthday but I am fired up and I wanted to share with you some thoughts. I am still contemplating about exploring another blog and some other directions in my work but I am unsure what is the best next step so I will tune in and wait for guidance. Here is what has been on my mind lately.
A Boy Raised As A Dog by Bruce Perry is the name of a book that I am reading about early trauma and its affects on brain development. This book is fascinating since most of the addicts and alcoholics I work with come from traumatic childhoods. Most addicts and most people in prisons were seriously abused or neglected as children and this is a major cause of social issues in this country.
As a therapist and as social activist I really wanted to explore this topic of mind development and the usefulness of mindfulness in conjunction, which I have been exploring at the treatment program. The name of Dan Siegel came up yesterday in my i-chat conversation with my friend on Vancouver Island as someone I need to read and I have already put several of his books on hold at the library. I will share more soon about the topics of trauma, mind and mindfulness.
What I am stirred up about lately is the nature of inclusion and exclusion that seems to be part of the political discourse in our nation. The tea party group which is in the news a lot, but I suspect much smaller than the media portrays, seems to want to exclude everyone who thinks differently then they do. This is all about ego and wanting to be in control.
If we take the time to watch our thoughts would it not become clear that we are driven by the need to have things go our way? When they don’t we get pissed and spit, throw things and make unkind remarks. If that angry response is not the ego-mind at work in plain sight I don’t know what is.
The exclusion list by those with closed hearts and minds include: liberals, gays, government, minorities, illegal aliens, doctors who support the right of women to have choice over their own body, treehuggers, the helpless and homeless, hopeful people, people who have compassion, and in general people who question their own thoughts. This list is again about wanting to be in control of others and run by the emotions of fear which are anger and hate. The cheerleaders for this group are Palin, Rush, Beck, Fox News etc. They are inciting unrest by their loud, misinforming, angry egos. Please be cautious around these people for they are out of touch with their higher nature.
Inclusion is what our nation has been about since its inception. America is a big tent kind of nation and we need to again remember that inclusion is what we are about. Inclusion is filled with compassion for our fellow human beings. Inclusion is about: equal opportunities, taking care of each other, a variety of viewpoints, religious freedom, all forms of sexuality, freedom of speech (not about spreading hate), dropping the need to judge others, welcoming all who want to share this nation together, government by the people, a more fair distribution of wealth, taxes for what is needed (not to fuel war), and a maturity and wisdom that is found in every thoughtful human being. This nation is filled with kindness and thoughtfulness and we need to remember that instead of focus on what is wrong.
Now I want to try and bring this national inclusion/exclusion topic around to trauma. As an observer of humanity, from close up, for 35 years, I am going to venture to guess that many of those who are driven to exclude others have some form of trauma or neglect in their childhood. These past pains were not necessarily obvious but the child’s developing mind could have made some powerful decisions about life as distrustful, hurtful, unsafe, emotionally dangerous, fearful and therefore to survive one must hold back, hide, protect and be cautious or whatever interpretations were made from the lack of information and perspective of the child’s mind. Let me see if I can state this more clearly. If a person’s past was emotionally, physically, and/or mentally painful or hurtful, there is a very good chance that past is impacting their present.
An ego-driven mind is run by fear, protective, and controlling and that sounds like the working of a painful past.
Let me know what your response to these ideas are because in the process we can learn as we go and grow.