The Universe has about a billion galaxies, with about a billion stars in each galaxy.  That means that planet Earth is a tiny speck in an infinite ocean of space and energy.  Earth is like a small airport for souls, with thousands of arrivals and departures every hour.  In the short time between when a soul arrives and departs on airport Earth, there is a game humans play.  This game they play is called, "Life".  It has various rules and goals just like any other game.
Based on the millions of people who have had near death experiences and live to tell about it, certain assumptions can be made from what they report.   First, there is a Higher Power of some kind that truly cares about the souls that visit Earth.  Second, this Higher Power seems to ask all those who are dying the same basic two questions.  The first question is, "What did you learn about finding peace and love in your life?"  Followed by, "What did you contribute to the good of the world?"  Since a wide variety of people from many different cultures report they got asked these two questions at death, we can safely assume that the Higher Power is interested in our spiritual development and how we meaningfully go about our lives. 
Then there are the rules and one in particular.  This rule in the game of life is about finding out what we must do to experience winning.  Winning is defined as the ability to consistently feel deep levels of peace, happiness and love.  The second aspect of "winning" is to take the peace, love and happiness one feels, and live in such a way that we contribute to other's peace, love and happiness.  With such a clearly defined goal, it would seem that it would be easy for us souls to live in such a way as to find and explore deep levels of peace, love and happiness.  This is not the case.
There are many obstacles on the way toward each soul's desired destination.  Each of us is brought up in a unique family and cultural situation.  Our family and culture effectively hypnotize our young souls to completely believe things that are not true, thereby putting us at odds with reality.   For example, in our culture, we are taught to believe that more money or the right person will lead to lasting happiness.  Such cultural conditioning causes us all to spend lots of energy looking for peace, love and happiness where is not located.  Many have heard the Kingdom of Heaven is within, yet our early conditioning guides most of our behavior.
Another obstacle to winning in life (finding lasting peace, love and happiness) is the fact that our minds are almost totally out of control and they never shut up.  Most people are unaware of this and will actually get defensive if they are informed about this obvious condition.  However since most people have almost no control over their minds, they are run by their worries and problems and constantly question what's wrong with them and their lives.  Further, most have no training in how to control their own mind, so they can do little or nothing about these circumstances.  What we are told and believe will "cure" our lack of peace is one simple lie.  We are told that, "IF WE COULD SIMPLY CONTROL MORE OF THE EVENTS AND PEOPLE IN OUR LIFE TO BE THE WAY WE WANT THEM TO BE, WE WOULD ACHIEVE LASTING HAPPINESS. 
Sometimes when things go the way we want, we do feel good for a brief period of time.  This momentary feeling good gets us hooked on the process.  The truth is that people who have the most control, like Bill Gates or President Obama, are not any happier than the rest of us.  Control simply does not lead to lasting happiness.  Many people don't see this obvious situation because they get lost in their mental drama of blame, denial and distraction.  With blame people see the "problem" as being in the world or with someone else and therefore feel helpless to change their circumstances.  They feel like powerless victims.  In denial, people refuse to even see they have a problem (they are not winning), and do nothing to move closer to the goals of peace, love and happiness.  With distractions (TV, Web, drugs, alcohol, eating, gambling, etc.), people are too busy to even explore their underlying problems.
The most efficient means to winning (finding lasting happiness) is to tune into the moment where peace, love and happiness exist.  Our minds are like dish networks.  There are a seemingly endless number of stations and sites to tune into.  Some offer beautiful movies and music, others offer noise and boredom.  Our mission, should we decide to accept it, is to learn methods of tuning into ways of being that uplift and inspire us.  There are many methods for tuning in such as: mindfulness, meditation, prayer, yoga, tai chi, being in nature, feeling grateful, exercise, and other practices.  Once the person learns to tap into their inner resources they liberate themselves to feel the peace, love and happiness they seek.   
This post was originally written a number of years ago as a handout for a class taught by Jonathan Robinson.  Jonathan is an excellent teacher and speaker.  I edited and updated this so you might benefit from the wisdom of this teaching story.

Plea for Peace Letter #18

Dear President Obama,

I am sure you have gained much wisdom from now almost a full year in office.  Your first year has had many positive outcomes and you must feel as if you are heading in the right direction.  Most fair-minded citizens would be in agreement.

The one direction you seem to be heading that is not supported by most Americans is expanding the war in Afghanistan.  Fueling the fires of war is going to be hurtful to our economy and to all those family members who lose family members fighting an unnecessary and most likely fruitless war. 

Please take us away from war instead of falling prey to the fear mongers advising you. 

Wisdom and Courage for you,

Joseph Bernard, Ph.D.

If you feel so inspired, join me and send President Obama emails at:

Are You Burned Out?

Today I wanted to return to very recent blog (Now Over 1000 Posts...) and the insight I had about work and feeling the weight of this intensity of providing direct services to a very trouble population.  I suspect all jobs are intense in their own way and that providing counseling to addicts is not any more intense then teaching school, working at the New York Stock Exchange, or being an elected official in Washington D.C. 
What is unique in this work is the very personal nature of my interactions with often very troubled individuals.  Almost daily I get a glimpse into the horror stories of their childhood or feel the trauma and anxiety they carry with them.  I am very sensitive to the energy and emotional states of those I work with because I show up and am fully present.  I don't know how to be present and not feel for my clients. 

Those I work with feel I am fully there for them because they can sense my open and compassionate heart.  They sense my listening is more then just hearing their words.  In the moment I share in their struggles as I assist them in trying to find a way to a better place.  This kind of intimate contact invites growth and healing to take place in my clients.  The difficult part for me is that at times their stories/energy impact me and I am unaware at the moment when it does.  I need to get better at not carrying any of their load while still caring deeply about their journey. 
My intention is to be fully present with an open, compassionate heart.  This is what I feel all those who work closely with others in the helping professions need to be able to do to be effective.  This work offers great rewards in the form of actually seeing people break from cycles of pain and suffering, seeing them take back their lives from substances that once totally controlled their existence.  Along the way however, we the helpers may pick up some extra baggage.  This accumulation of emotions/energy is true for those who care for people including counselors, case managers, nurses, physical therapist, Detox workers, etc. and include caregivers of family members.  Self-care is so important if we care for other.
I understand I must explore new and more effective ways for self-care.  Working out daily and sometimes a second time lightly discharges built up physical energy but maybe not the emotional energy.  Mindfulness reduces mental build-ups but may not tend to the psyche that feels bombarded.  I will go in search of other ideas from my supervisor at work, other professionals, and it may come down to the idea that time away is the only thing that works well.  I will let you know what I discover about taking care of self when doing important and compassionate work with those in need. 

Letter #17 For A Peaceful and Better World

Dear Mr. Obama, 

These are difficult times as you well know.  There is a great restlessness amongst the people.  The sources of such unrest are two I can see: first is the fear mongering by those who gain power and manipulate others by keeping others afraid and second there is the plain and simple truth that our government is a mess and we the people are no longer represented.

The system is breaking down and you have a mess on your hands.  Please reign in our participation in any wars.  The people are being killed in war, the people’s needs are being left out of real healthcare reform, the planet and all people are loosing out to the foes of climate change reform, the people are being fed misinformation by the media, the people are being used for huge corporate agendas, and so much more is not working. 

That is so much to do, please get us all involved in finding a better way.

Be Peace,

Joseph Bernard, Ph.D.

If you feel so inspired, join me and send President Obama emails at:

Four Steps To Make You More Effective In 2010

If you find yourself in your own way, what do you do?  Repetitious patterns that are not working can be difficult to break.  This is the time of year to refocus and to change course when needed.  There is much opportunity for awareness about yourself and with awareness comes new choices and more opportunity for positive change.  

Here are four steps to take when you know what you are doing isn’t working for you:

•    Take time to assess what you are doing that’s working and what’s not.  This time for self-evaluation is critical because if you are willing to question everything and be totally honest you can see what is not working and where you need help.  This awareness will put a light on what to do next. 
•    Then tune in and explore what you can know from your intuitive/higher knowing self about setting a more successful course.  This inner guidance can right the ship and get your year off to a great start.  Are you willing to give into the higher knowing or will the ego win out?  Try letting go of the rational and instead follow your heart. 
•    Next if you have all the information you need to move forward but find yourself in the way, then the next thing to do is see if there is information out there you can use to make a difference in what you are doing.  Is there for example a website or other resources that have the expertise in your area of interest?  If so then utilize this information for what you need.  For me the site is one that I will visit often in 2010.
•    If all of this doesn’t create the improved results you want then it is time to call in a coach, mentor or counselor for guidance, a fresh perspective, and an objective observer of your process.  (You can get help through my coaching services and there are many in your community and available by phone/who can be just the right fit for you.)  It is smart to ask for help when you need it.

The goals are to step more fully into the flow of life, to express more completely who you are, to experience rewarding success and real abundance, and to realize the love, joy and peace that are available to you in the present moment. 

Protest Letter #16 to President Obama

Dear President Obama,

When you were elected there was great hope in the nation.  Since that time the hope has been shaded by the realities of war, corporate influence, fear driven politics and the anger of those who feel powerless.  This cannot be a fun process from your perspective.  Those of us with compassion have great empathy for your struggles.

The war escalation has been a large disappointment especially because it is such the opposite of hope.  War is the insanity of the human mind in action.  Please come to your senses and take us out of this human misery machine. 

Please find the sanity of the quiet mind in whatever still moments you can find,

Joseph Bernard, Ph.D.

If you feel so inspired, join me and send President Obama emails at:

Now Over 1000 Posts And Still Expanding In Consciousness

It has been an insightful morning as I laid in bed thinking about some recent events and then reading from a book called the Impersonal Life.  Before I write further about those insights, I wanted to Celebrate and be Grateful for 1000 posts here at the Explore Life Journal.  I just realized after writing my blog post yesterday that I had post #1000 on Wednesday.  That is one heck of a lot of writing and my gratitude is for all the inspiration that flows through me.  This flow of inspiration is from my Higher Self/intuitive knowing/the Spirit within.   What I have learned is that if I can keep my ego out of the way, the flow is strong and enduring. 

1000 posts feel like a wonderful accomplishment because I have been blessed by each insight, each question, and each exploration of an idea written about here.  All of this has enriched my life.  My hope is that it has enriched all of you who take the time from your busy day to stop by and read.  I have intentionally kept each post short enough to read in a brief period of time.  My hope is that on occasion you the reader have explored the ideas much beyond reading them. 

My commitment is to continue the pursuit of being the best I can each time I write and be an ever evolving and clearer source of compassion and consciousness.  I write to inspire the highest expression of my readers and myself. 

Back to the morning insights: first insight was that I have been struggling with feeling overwhelmed at work and trying to understand the source of that?  In this work I hear so many stories about the abuse and neglect of my clients as children and then how that manifests in their lives as adults.  These stories tend to remain in the sphere of my own consciousness and from what I can tell have a weight to them which I feel at some level.  It has been my history that when I do these kind of intense services that I need a break every few years to renew myself.  Thus I have had a cycle of counseling others for a few years and then quit my work and go broke while I try to heal my psyche.  This cycle has not worked financially but has allowed me to be renewed. 

What is challenging is that everyday I workout and do inner work to encourage my mental and emotional well-being.  This works to a degree because I can do a job for several years and be ok until I just can’t seem to keep on top of the piling up of human suffering.  The reason I am so vulnerable to the secondary trauma  of my clients is that I come with an open heart.  My work, to do it well, means I must be in a very compassionate place even if I am telling a client with kindness they are full of BS.  If I bring anger, attitude, righteousness, or take their actions personally I am coming from my ego-mind not my heart. 

As I write this I am gaining insight.  With awareness I can make informed choices to find and explore new and more effective ways of self-care. 

This is getting to be a lengthy post and my second insight is not yet mentioned.  Should I continue?  Yes because this is a special post and I want to share the most consciousness I can.  One other thought, then on to the second insight:  I have added a protest letter to my posts lately because I am not only committed to being more conscious but also to be more engaged in working for peace.  Please join me in my peace efforts if you so desire.

The second insight keeps expanding as I read from the Impersonal Life (no author is given).  The basic lesson of that book is, “Be Still And Know I Am God.”  So far this is what I am understanding from this lesson:  when I quiet myself down (be mindful) there is a knowing in me beyond my mind that realizes that I AM (which is my Higher Self) one with the Divine Source of the Universe.   Let me restate that so we can both understand it more deeply.  First we must be quiet enough within to make contact with our higher knowing.  This knowing comes from a place beyond our ego, our personality and our noisy self-talk.  This knowing place within can be called our Spirit (Higher Self, Soul, The Divine Within or whatever works for you) and it is known in this teaching as I AM.  I AM is capitalized because it is acknowledging its divine origins.  There is a divine nature within all of us because we come from The Source/God/Yahweh/Great Spirit.

This is one of those ideas I hope you the reader takes much time to explore.  It is my focus to understand and realize this lesson in 2010.  I invite you to share this journey with me.

Hurray!!! YES!!! Made it all the way to 1000 posting!!!


Now for the letter promoting peace:

Dear President Obama,

There is always so much on your mind and this must weigh very heavily on your heart.  Thank you for taking on all you do and all the caring you have for this nation. 

As a way to lighten your burdens, it is my suggestion that you move us away from war not deeper into it.   We do not as a nation need to take this on.  This is first the responsibility of those of the nations we have invaded: Iraq and Afghanistan.  Secondly the religious fanatics are the responsibility of all those who share faith with them, their brothers and sisters who have compassion not anger as their guiding force.  Thirdly this is a planetary issue that all nations must work toward resolving, not the US and a few allies. 

Peace to you and your family,

Joseph Bernard, Ph.D.

You can send President Obama emails at:

Time For Significant Change In The Way We Do Work

The temperature was zero as I headed out to my early morning meeting.  This being at work by 8 a.m. is a drag.  Fortunately I don’t usually go to work in the morning until 10 so I have time to write and get a workout in.  I feel for everyone who goes to work early and works the same 8 hours each day.  Work can be so numbing and also so satisfying.  I don’t believe we humans are meant to work 40 hours or more per week.  Sometimes it feels like a kind of social and mental slavery we all have agreed upon.

What would it be like if 40 hours per week was not given over to a job?  What if we worked less hours and got paid enough to feel financial freedom.  What if we worked for the enjoyment or the meaningfulness of it?  What if money didn’t matter when it comes to our career?  If you could do any kind of work, what would it be?  How much would you work per week if you had a choice and it was only to do something meaningful? 

These questions are good ones to ask ourselves because so much of our work life has to do with old ways of thinking, social structures, habits, and being stuck in the prison of limited thinking.   All of this could change if we get clear about what we want. 

One of my co-workers wants to only work 32 hours per week and she is worried she won’t be allowed to do so.  She feels it would be good for her mental health.  It would be a sad limitation if she was forced to conform to the status quo.  Working with people on such an intense level can feel very draining and taking care of our mental health is essential.

What work changes would we make?  How come pay has to be so low so 40 hours is just enough to get by and never ahead?  How flexible are we willing to be when it comes to thinking about the way we do work?

Isn’t it time the old ways are questioned?  Who benefits from the rigidity of the 40 hr. week?  Mostly the beneficiary is the money making machine the drives us all in the name of profits.  For us in human services we provide help at often a great cost to our own financial well being because we do it from our hearts and our caring.  Our pay levels tell us that our work doesn’t matter to most.   There is something really messed up with the priorities that drive this nation.  OOPs got a little riled up about the lack of respect for those who care.

Flexible minds, innovative thinking, new ways of working and doing things that matter, all have the potential to alter the old tired ways.   Look into ways to add flexibility to your work life as if it is your right to live your own way.

Please join me if you oppose the expansion of the War in Afghanistan by our country. 

Afghan War Protest Letter #15

Dear Mr. President,

The old systems are here for you to change.  You have been chosen with confidence by the people to bring about better and healthier ways of commerce, defense, education, housing, work life, healthcare, and environmental responsibility.  The social structures are beginning to collapse because they are run by greed and the need for power and control.  These are all systems created by the human ego.

The alternatives are solutions focused thinking based on a much higher level of functioning than the need to satisfy the ego.  This higher nature we all posse does not linger in the small minds of fear, war, profit, and dominance.  Instead this higher nature is about compassion, understanding, consciousness and the realization that we are all connected to each other on this planet.

Please bring us into a new era free from war and filled with peace.  

Joseph Bernard, Ph.D.

You can send President Obama emails at:

Beyond Ordinary Thought Lies Much Greater Possibilities

Rethinking happiness was the focus of episode #3 of The Emotional Life On PBS tonight.  There has been much research on happiness and many of the findings were not very surprising.  Being happy is not that complicated. 

How we respond to what life presents to us definitely shapes our experience of it.  We are incredibly resourceful when we decide to be.  Even the direst of circumstances offer us learning and ways to find resilience.  We can take our experiences and put whatever spin we want to on them.

This program got me thinking that if we shape all of our experiences by our view of them, then if we don’t like what happened, we can change how we think about it.  If we lost an opportunity we had been hoping for than we can be open to what new and maybe even better opportunity is on its way.  Or we can be bummed out and while sitting in “poor me” miss the next favorable chance for something better. 

If how we think about things shapes how we feel about life then what are the possibilities of our life if we go beyond ordinary thinking?  Most of our thinking is in the deep rut of obsessive thought focused on yesterday or tomorrow.  What would happen if we stopped the old grind of repetitive thinking and instead viewed the world from a higher place of knowing within us?  That place beyond the ordinary mind can be called the Higher Self, the intuitive, our spirit, and/or wise mind.   This knowing is grounded firmly in the now, not the ego’s determination to drudge up the past or live anxiously about the future. 

In the nowness of our Higher Knowing everything is watched impartially free of the drama of the judging mind.  This watching allows us to view our life in the joy and peacefulness of the moment.  This place of watching, free from the drama, enables us to enjoy even the most difficult of situations.   Instead of being caught up in circumstances we just watch joyously in peace with and open heart.

Mindfulness is the practice that will help us shift from the ordinary mind to our extraordinary nature.  Past blogs talk about the merits of a mindfulness practice and some tools to explore. In most communities of any size there are people who can teach this truly liberating way of being in the world. 

Make 2010 the year you decide to go beyond your ordinary mind and tap into the infinite possibilities awaiting you.  

It has been a long tiring day and an early meeting puts me to bed soon.  I will return to my daily protest letters tomorrow.  

Peace begins inward and spreads as light out into the world.  

Expanding Awareness Into Our Addictive Minds

Two days into the New Year at work and it seems the weight of the place has gotten heavier.  Already we had to give notice to one of our clients that was ignoring our rules and basically a whirling dervish in stirring up chaos.  The biggest challenge of working with addicts is that they tend to have the emotional maturity of the age when they began to use drugs or alcohol.  Arrested development happens because the substance abuse discontinues the mental and emotional growth.   The outcome is highly skilled manipulators, which most addicts are, who act the like teenagers at best.  Rule violation is what teenagers do as part of the individualization.  That doesn’t work in a treatment program where rules provide the necessary structure to make people feel safe. 

This may be much more then you want to know about my work but there is some insight that can be gained from those who struggle with addiction.  Who of us isn’t struggling with leaving old limiting or destructive habits behind?  Addiction comes also in the form of smoking, medications, sugar, eating, shopping, exercise, cleaning, seeking control, and people pleasing.  Anything we do because of habit or compulsively in order to feel ok is an addiction. 

Yes I did list people pleasing because many people bend over backwards for the approval of others often because they don’t feel ok about themselves.  Approval seekers are often in denial of this need but with even a little closer look they see their compulsive desire to be ok in the eyes of others.  Many people spend their lives seeking the approval of their parents.  Good luck on that one if they come from critical, abusive or controlling families.

Like the addict we too sometimes struggle with being direct or honest with our communications.  We may have found in our lives that manipulating others has worked better than asking for what we want.  Also the need for control over others may be something we attempt to do to settle down the chaos of our own mind.

My invitation to you is to become aware of where you act compulsively, where habit drives you to do things just to feel ok.  The goal of just feeling ok may be settling for much less than you desire or deserve.  When you see something about yourself you need to change, make a plan and see how well you succeed.  If bringing about the change you desire is not working, seek out supportive friends or support groups.  If you still feel stuck your best bet is to engage in coaching or counseling where professionals can teach you ways to get past whatever barriers are in your way. 

The most important thing is to first be aware or conscious of how you get in your own way.  Once you are aware you can explore other choices. 

I offer coaching service by email and phone.  If I can help get you headed in the right way contact me at or leave a comment below. 

Please join me in protesting the War in Afghanistan.  We have the right president in office now to bring about real changes but we have to speak up and let what we want be known or it will never happen.

Letter #14 to our President

Dear President Obama,

We all recognize that for the world to change we need to let our voices be heard.  Your election was the first step in us speaking up and we all celebrated together.  That night of your election will long be remembered as historic.

After one year, you are off to a positive start despite great odds in favor or keeping things just as they are.  The forces for the status quo are huge.  Yet we the people are very unsettled because the majority of us are not the major beneficiaries of the way things are now.   So the call is to speak up, to advocate for real change not just symbolic.

The change many of us want to bring about is to end the tired solution of war.  Building a bigger war in Afghanistan is the old way, the way of the big stick, the way of the ego’s need for control and power.  Please change course now.

Joseph Bernard, Ph.D.

You can send President Obama an email at:

We Must Be The Change In Our Political Process In 2010

This will be my political rant for the week because I have to get some things off my mind.  The politics of 2010 offer the opportunity to bring about change.  The political types will be doing what they can to keep themselves in power even if it means selling themselves to whomever feeds their campaigns with funds.  That is the nature of politics on a national level.  This needs to change for the survival of our democracy and election reform is a must.  The need for power is driven by the ego-mind.  

There will also be much bashing of those who think differently then those on the right.  We liberals will be bashed nonstop by the right wing media.  Is there even close to the equivalent of talking heads on the left as there is on the right.  The answer is not even close.  This bashing is a product of the ego-mind in search of control.

The airways are filled with liberal bashers across the country.  Those with the most financial resources mistakenly support the Liberal bashing as the only way to save their wealth.  Why are they so set and bashing people who think differently?  The only thing I can figure is they must be afraid of something.  That fear is about not being in power and a government that will hold their corporations accountable.

There is a feeling that those on the Right will do whatever it takes to bash the Left even if it means going against what is best for the country.  This single-minded determination is the work of the ego mind which wants control more than what is for the good of all.  

The other day I came upon this very interesting article on the web that I wanted to share with you.  Both George Bush and Ronald Reagan both claimed to be financially conservative yet they ran up huge debt that significantly hurt our nation economic future.  Right now the President is caught up in the huge mess he was given.  The ego driven ways of power can be overwhelming.

Now I understand that the Republicans speak conservatively about the budget but run up the debt to handicap the government so they can reduce our safety net and make sure there is no money for a Democratic Presidency.  This is totally planned and heartless and again all about power.  Our nation is in a mess so they can blame and complain about government, which they have messed up.   Here the workings of the ego-mind is obvious again.  

Now to lighten things up from the Liberal point of view is this video that offers a creative and non ego solution to all of our problems.  Can’t we just get along?

Afghan War Protest Letter #13

Dear President Obama,

Are you ready to make a hugely positive difference in 2010?  We all know you are capable of amazing things with the help of all of us.  We want you to succeed.

One of the places you can recover the billions of dollars of real waste is to put an end to our involvement in war.  War does not make us stronger but in fact weakens us greatly.  With all that money going to the war machine, funding for education, important social programs, innovation, new sources of alternative energy, real healthcare reform, loose out to the killing machine.  

Please change your mind before we loose any more of our future.

Joseph Bernard, Ph.D.

You can send President Obama an email at:

Stretching Our Boundaries For The Best 2010

Its back to work in 2010 and we have an entire year to make what we want to happen.  The challenge is to go for our highest and best version of who we are in pursuit of life that is purposeful and inspirational.  Where do we start?  What will be our focus?  What are our hopes?  How can we most fully realize our potential?  How will we make a difference in the world?

Questions seem to be the way to start.  How do we serve up an even better performance in 2010 of our unique skill set and our endless creative and intuitive genius?  Waiting within us are vast inner resources still untapped.  What will it take to push us beyond the mental barriers of past limits, lack of confidence, a sense of not being enough, learned helplessness, and other B.S. of the mind?

Thinking beyond the treadmill of our repetitive thoughts will take: a willing patience, more awareness, less ego, higher consciousness, being fully present, and a willingness to jump off the track of worn-out habits and the deep groove of the familiar.  Are we up to the task?  Well we got 361 days to see what we can make happen; let’s get started.

As individuals we will have to set our own course.  Below are several recent blog posts leading up to this one.  On both a personal level and a global level the times are ripe for an upset of the status quo.

Now the next step is to slow down, find the stillness within and do not start doing until we are clearly guided.  There will be less trying and more being in readiness for right action.  See the three guiding principles immediately below and waste no time muddling in old ways.  There are new trails to be discovered and seeing life as an experiment and adventure will lend to the joy of each day.

Choose one thing you want to make happen that matters most to you, not anyone else.  What will success look and feeling like?  How will you discipline your mind to be an ally?  How will you engage your heart in passionate pursuit of what matters?  

Simply know that greatness comes to those who push beyond the normal limits and step fully into the light of their unique expression and live it fully each day.  

That is my January pep talk, now let’s give it a go.  

Please join in on my protest of expanding the war in Afghanistan

Letter #12 Encouraging Peace

Dear President Obama,  

Your garden has been an inspiration for a Super Chef cook off.  I so appreciate the symbolism of the garden and eating locally as if it matters globally.  It does and your wisdom of that impact enriches our nation.

Might I suggest a peace garden be planted too so that all of us can benefit from the stillness of a quiet mind, that joy of an open heart, and the inspiration of seeing the beauty beyond of our own nature reflected in our creations.  

Please consider a move to peace in Afghanistan instead of war, so we might all see our higher natures have opportunity to be a force for good in the world.

Joseph Bernard, Ph.D.

You can send President Obama an email at:

2010 Is Upon Us, Here Are Three Super Effective and Simple Ways To Succeed

This year is a blank slate awaiting your inscription.  Are you ready to create an inspirational story for yourself and those you love and work with?  You can set goals, make commitments and think optimistically about 2010 and that would be what most do.  Let me propose a different idea about how to maximize your experience of this upcoming year.  

The idea is that there is no extensive planning, no list of resolutions, no figuring out the best way your ego-mind can be effective.  Instead you keep this year simple in the following three ways:

1.    You first and foremost focus on building a relationship with your Higher Self.  This powerful guiding force within you has the capacity to create whatever you get clear about making happen.  In other words if you can step past the ego-mind’s desire to control and instead hear the greater wisdom inside, you can shape your experience of life profoundly.  Going beyond the ego’s need to be right and look good, you will find a much more receptive, creative and compelling force for manifesting the life you want.  
2.    Learn to be as fully present as possible at all times.  If you linger the past or live for the future you will miss out on all that is going on in the moment.  The moment is where everything happens.  Being present means being open to the intuitive wisdom of the heart, gut and spirit.  When in the now, that is where the action is possible to transform your life and not be run by the disappointing past or the worrisome future.  You can always find the present by tuning in to your breath and watching the cycle of inhale and exhale.  As you breathe with awareness you become totally in the moment.  There is love, joy and peace only in the moment.
3.    Take full responsibility for your life.  See you as the creator of your experience.  Give up blaming and complaining and instead look in the mirror and see and sense the inner genius, the inspired light in you waiting to be realized.  There is a great feeling of confidence when you acknowledge your capacity to shape your life.  No one has the power to make you think or feel anything if you step into your higher nature.  This freedom to shape your own experience moment-by-moment is liberating.  You have been given all you need to succeed, all you have to do is step forward and be in charge of our own life.

Let these ideas percolate and soon they will become who you are and the world will change for the better for us all.  

The light in me is speaking to the light in you, let us be bright for the good of all.

Letter #11 to President Obama in protest of the Afghan War expansion  

Dear President Obama,  

In my work as a mental health professional especially when working with addicts, I find most of them have had significant trauma as children and that deeply shaped their dysfunction as adults.  All significant trauma leaves the recipients at a great disadvantage in the world.

War produces such trauma on the individuals, the communities and the countries involved that for generations after the ill affects are still felt.  Please work on disengaging from the war aspects of Afghanistan and Iraq immediately for the good of all involved.

Bring peace in 2010,

Joseph Bernard, Ph.D.

You can join me in my efforts for peace by sending President Obama an email at:

Happy Twenty Ten

This year 2010 has a feeling about it that things are going to change for the better.  Please join me in the journey of Twenty Ten and together we will experience the peace, joy and love from being more and more present to our higher nature. 

The good news is the politics of the world will change as we change. 

Don't hesitate to shine in 2010.  Your light is needed.


The Challenges and Opportunities for Emotional Well-Being in 2010

        Tonight is a Blue Moon and Here’s To A Wonderful 2010, Happy New Year To You

Now let’s talk about what will make us feel better in 2010.  First some questions then some of the issues and finally some positive direction to take.

How come there is so much emotional unrest?  Does it seem that people are more angry, worried, upset and restless as anytime in our lives?  What are the reasons for this emotional instability?  As a mental health professional, I am very interested in the mental and emotional health of all people and I sense that there are some core issues that are causing the disturbances.  The follow are some of the reasons there is so much unsettled emotions and some possible solutions.

•    The times we live in seem to be very unsettling and that makes people feel fearful. 
•    There are many opinions out there about what is right and who is wrong and the lack of understand and tolerance seems to be growing stronger. 
•    The financial mess this country is in has made many feel anxious and have cost many their plans for once comfortable future. 
•    The vast majority of people in this country feel as if they are walking a very fragile path between financial survival and the hopes for better times.
•    Many have vast amounts of unexpressed emotions that feel very uncomfortable and makes them feel like a walking time bomb.
•    Anger is brewing because the systems that hold us together are not working.  Government, corporate America, education and religious institutions are all a part of the problem.
•    Somewhere the idea of intolerance of those who see the world differently has become acceptable and feed by the talking heads who spread anger and hate. 
•    The morally righteous actually think of themselves as superior and sit in judgment of all who believe differently than they do.
•    Some people have become so blinded by their beliefs that they actually are willing to kill and die for them.  This is the mind of insanity in action.
•    The disconnection from the heart and the dominance of the ego-mind has put many humans into a real state of imbalance.  When the head dominates, the heart disappears and compassion is lost.
•    The cycle of abuse and neglect continues to escalate as many spread from generation to generation their family’s level of dysfunction and trauma.

That is more than enough disheartening information but if we look around we will see much validation for these points. 

So what can we do?  Each of the following ideas have a great potential to make a difference personally and planet wide.  Find out which ideas resonate most with you and begin immediately to incorporate them into your lives and share them with others who would also benefit.

•    Take time to get to know your own thoughts and feelings.  Self-awareness is a powerful tool for bringing you understanding and better choices in your life.
•    Each day make a commitment to expand the influence of your heart in your life.  Every one of us is here to be more loving, compassionate, caring and kind.
•    Support the decriminalization of those with mental health problems and addictions.  Insist that treatment becomes the way to break the cycle of abuse they have all suffered.
•    Focus on developing a fuller relationship with your spirit.  If you find a church that is free of extensive dogma and nurtures your spirit then by all means grow with others.  Stop being a blind follower because you can totally loose yourself in the process.
•    Watch out for the judging mind, which is ego driven and instead develop the wise mind, which is accepting and has compassion for all fellow beings. 
•    Get involved in the political process, but do so from a place of peacefulness and in search of solutions.  No more blaming, just people working together for the good of the people and the planet.
•    Turn off the talking heads, stop watching the fear based news and instead listen inward to the deep knowing of your intuition, your heart and your spirit. 
•    Acknowledge your feelings, be ok with who you are, accept your unique expression, listen deeply to others and seek to understand. 
•    When you feel fear know the ego is running the show.  The opposite of fear is hope and love so focus on where you have hope and on those you love.
•    Develop trust in yourself and in everything working out for the best.  Change is always for the positive if we are open to seeing the truth of the lessons we receive along the way.

The issues exist but the solutions are more powerful.  Find your way home to your higher nature and everything will work out better in so many ways. 



Letter #10 to President Obama advocating for peace.

Dear President Obama,

It is New Years Eve and there is excitement in the air for 2010 can you feel it?  Can you feel the hope of the people of our nation that real positive change can actually come about?  There are many issues, which you are well aware of and we trust you to do your best with them.

The War scene is not the positive change we had in mind.  You are requested to move in a more positive direction and bring real help to the people of Afghanistan not more war.  Please no more harm.

Happy New Year,

Joseph Bernard, Ph.D.

Inner Practice # 5 - Seeking Awareness Through Being Open

If you want to become a more aware and conscious person you must be open to all feedback no matter what form it takes.  This practice is a challenging one because the ego-mind will battle giving up its critical nature.  Here is the practice:
Begin with sitting quietly and listening to see what messages rise up in you from the body, from your inner dialogue, from your heart, from your reactivity, from your dreams and from your intuition.  Avoid censoring anything because all message are worth noting. 
Also pay attention to the message outside of you, from your family, your co-workers, your boss, your friends, your radio on the drive to work, the environment around you, your TV, and even the billboards you pass by.  Imagine that the whole of life is conspiring to awaken more awareness in you.

Once you open to all the opportunities that flow through your life, you can than begin to ask the universe questions or seek guidance about issues of concern for you.  Then being open gets even more interesting because you will receive messages and answers very specific to your request.  This information can be a powerful guide for creating the most amazing life if you are willing to listen and see what is presented to you to move your life forward.

Let me know how well this works for you and any guidance your receive in unique and powerful ways.

Letter #9 to President Obama

Dear Mr. President,

As this year comes to an end there is much to be grateful for as you have taken on huge odds and have done very well.  I hope 2010 is filled with great success for your presidency and our nation.

I do respectfully request that in this New Year that you move more away from war in Afghanistan.  It is time to drop the illusion of seeking control over evil forces.  This nation is too strong to live in fear.  Instead lets take positive action with all nations to insist that we have a peaceful world.  Those that oppose that peace need to be dealt with constructively.  Wars do not work for the good of the planet.

Peacefulness to you and your family,

Joseph Bernard, Ph.D.

Let Us Break The Bonds Asunder

This is a line that has been going through my mind since last week’s Messiah concerts.  These words come from one of Handel's masterpieces and it seems they are encouraging me to leave the past limitations behind, to break from the bonds of my own limiting thinking, to free myself from the ways I hold myself back both consciously and unconsciously.  2010 is going to be a breakout year because I clearly sense my Higher Self guiding me to up the ante.  I commit to being more real, speak up more, question more, and to do my best to get out of my own way.  Are you willing to do the same?
This speaking up and questioning more seems important during these times of such unrest.  It seems like we all need to find our center, our place of inner wisdom and our inner peace.  The following are areas in need of questioning and positive change:

The first place that comes to mind as far as questioning appears in the blog post yesterday.  This domination of those who call themselves religious whether radical right Christian, Muslim or whomever must to be addressed directly.  How can we let these zealots/control freaks dictate the direction of our nation and the future of all nations?  This is totally unacceptable and we all need to take a stand for sanity, compassion and freedom from the bonds others want to place on us.  
Our government is a mess with needless war, corporate dominance, and egomania running Congress.  This too is unacceptable because what is best for the people has lost out to what is best for those in power.  Compromise is not about real dialogue for the good of all but much more about which control seeker wins.  This sad ego driven leadership has for most of our history been true but these forces in search of power seems to have lost all touch with any higher values.  If this is to change we must all look inward and make contact with our own higher nature or things will continue to fall apart.  History is full of powerful nations who lose it all because higher values get lost along the way.  The source of all higher values is found in the heart and spirit of us all.  The bonds placed on all of us by those in search of more control and power negatively affect us all and should no longer be acceptable.  
The quiet acceptance of us all who don't speak up even in our own families for fear of being judged or making others feel uncomfortable is choking the life out of many.  I think of my own in-laws and the silence of those gatherings.  What is the fear here?  Is it that we won't be accepted when they already seem to sit in silent judgment?  Is it because so many talking head bash all those who think differently and spread anger and hate even in families?  One of my least favorite bashes are those who call us  "liberals" with distain, who are they to judge?  

As a matter of fact I am proud to be a bleeding heart liberal.  That means I have compassion for my fellow brothers and sisters; that means I care enough to try and make a difference.  

For those who lack compassion here is some information you might want to open your heart about: I doubt there is one troubled human being on the planet who wasn't abused as a child so how can anyone past judgment on them?  What is needed is more love, compassion, caring, and kindness and as a liberal I will keep giving as much of that as I can for the rest of my life.  I want to help those who don't know how to help themselves break the bonds asunder of their own damaged childhood.  
It seems 2010 will be a time to stir things up for the good of us all.   Are you willing to join me?

Please join me in promoting peace by questioning protest the expansion of the war in Afghanistan:


Letter #8 to President Obama

Dear Mr. President,
I hope as this year comes to an end you feel satisfaction for all you have accomplished.  You have taken on very challenging times.  Please know many of us back you with much support.

The war in Afghanistan must be very difficult to figure out.  From my viewpoint, it does not make sense to bring more soldiers in because they just become more targets for all the anger and frustration of this nation that always seems to be invaded.  There is no winning when there is such ongoing loss.

Please work at pulling us out of their rather than expanding our troop levels.  This is the sane course in the insanity of war.


Joseph Bernard, Ph.D.

You can send President Obama an email at:

Be The Opposite Of James Dobson And Make The World A Much Better Place

Over the past several weeks I have been reading Republican Gomorrah by Max Blumenthal.  This scary book is about how the religious right, its ego-driven leader James Dobson, and the sleaze factor have hijacked the Republican Party.  I found this book to be very upsetting at so many levels and it sheds light on how our country has gotten into such a mess.  The so-called religious right(eous) are neither.   It is well past time for us to take back out country from those that insist we believe as they do and negate their attempts to rid everyone of critical thinking and self-determination. 

Truthfully, I had to put the book away for awhile because I found myself so upset by the audacity of those who claim to be Christian and yet have zero compassion and are totally driven by their ego’s need to be in control.  What I found myself thinking is what would be the opposite of James Dobson and that could be the guiding principles to all who really want to be conscious, compassionate and constructive members of our nation and the planet.

Here are the human qualities that would best serve humanity and be least like James Dobson.

1.    Develop your connection to your spiritual nature.  What has gone wrong if most organized religions are not about spirituality but about gaining power and control over their followers, the political process etc.?
2.    Humility is a key quality in changing the world toward peace and compassion.  Is it ok with you that the arrogance and ego of so-called religious leaders continue to be the source of most of the world’s problems?
3.    Find ways to empower yourself to make a positive difference and to empower others.  Is it acceptable to you that religious leaders often seek to control rather than empower and will do whatever it takes to make people feel not ok about themselves?
4.    Open to trusting yourself and learn to trust others.  Should religions and their leaders spread distrust in the form of judgments of all who think differently?
5.    If you focus on only one issue for the rest of your life make that focus about developing compassion for self and others.  Does it seem wrong to you that many religious leaders ignore the primary teachings in all religions about the importance of compassion?  
6.    Keep your mind open so you can be receptive to a wide range of ideas and viewpoints and so you can keep on growing as a human being.  Is it ok to think you have all the answers and most everyone else in wrong? 
7.    The healthiest way of being in the world is to constantly seek to be a more aware and conscious human being.  How come so many insist you believe as they do?
8.    Finding your way to be a true source for good in the world seems to involve having an open heart.  If your heart is closed to many can you be a true force for good?
9.    The world is hoping you can find peace inside so that we all can experience peace in the world.  How can someone who is angry and wants to dictate your thoughts and beliefs ever experience peace within?

There are many other non James Dobson qualities that could be explored here but frankly if you and the rest of us develop these nine then the world would be such a better place and Mr. Dobson would be a non-factor. 

Letter #7 President Obama

Dear Mr. President,

I trust you to be the force for good that we elected.  There are so many forces against what is for the good of the people.  You will need great courage to succeed.

Please courageous review your plans in Afghanistan and look toward real help rather than more war.  More war cannot bring real peace.

Peace to you and all of us,

Joseph Bernard, Ph.D.

Please join my campaign promoting peace in the world by writing our President and ask him to not escalate the Afghan War.  You can send him an email at:

Holiday Stirrings In Body, Mind And Heart

My body is calling for something other than sweet after the last few days of cookies, candy, cake etc.  I love to eats sweets but my body just doesn’t appreciate all the sugar.  As I get older I feel the need to tune in even more to what is right for me and my body, my heart, my mind and my spirit.  There is a great depth of wisdom in you and I if we listen inward.  

Yesterday at dinner with my wife’s family there is mostly just silence.  No one wants to talk about anything because they seem afraid to hear their own family’s range of viewpoints about the issues of our time.  My wife and myself are progressive, compassionate and open-minded and her family seems angry about our points of view yet they have never even asked what they are.  They make assumptions based on some kind of slot they have put us in.  How come people do that?  How come they pass judgment all based on a collection of thoughts in their own head?

There seems to be a culture of anger and hate out there against so called “liberals” as if they are a scourge to the world.  Why is it that people have to demonize those that view the world differently than they do?  The talking heads of the right seem to specialize in building anger and hate towards ideas different then their own.  What are they afraid of?  How come we can’t just all get along?  Where is all this charge of emotions coming from?  We are all part of the human family who just have differents ways at looking at things.  There is no right or wrong in most of this.  The question is, “Is it working the way it is or not?”  If not then let’s get together and figure out what will work.

These are a few of my questions and frankly, I don’t want to have to be numbed out to be with my wife’s family.  She is use to it.  I can’t seem to make it ok in me to try to be numb, it is the opposite of what I am working on in my life.  A life in which no one wants to have real conversations about real issues seems dead to me.  Do these questions seem at all familiar to you and your life?

As you might well know from reading my blog, I am an agent of change.  My life is totally focused on encouraging healthy change in my clients and being a person who advocates for significant social change.  How can we as citizens of the planet have hopes for positive change if our families can’t even talk?

My bias is that there is so much more common ground than there are substantial differences.  That below the rhetoric there is compassion, basic needs, desire for connection, and hope for a better tomorrow.  What will it take to get past the blocks in the head and the heart?

Please share any ideas you have.  I plan to stir things up in 2010 even if it makes people uncomfortable.  Our comfort zones are also self-imposed prisons if growth has stopped and we are resistant to change.

Letter #6 To The President:

I hope you first Christmas in the White House was wonderful.  That must be the most amazing experience.

Please know that with great respect I challenge you decision to build up our involvement in Afghanistan.  Is it the wish of all the people of that nation that we intercede and cost many of them family members in the war?  Do we have the right to impose our will on another nation?  

I am deeply upset that we are going to kill more people for political reasons.  This does not feel right to me in any way. Please rethink your plans.  Please talk with people who truly value human life over the ego’s need for power and control.

Joseph Bernard, Ph.D.

Beginners Mind, Moment To Moment

It is Christmas Eve and the kid in me is excited.  I feel open and receptive to all that I can feel joy about, feel peace inside about, and feel love for in my life.  The term beginner's mind has come up lately several times so I think maybe I need to pay attention more openly. 
Let me explain beginner's mind.  This idea I think originates from the Buddhist writings of Suzuki Roshi and his book, Zen Mind, Beginners Mind.  The beginner's mind is receptive and open to learning.  With this mind there is a willingness to take in the lessons being presented.  The opposite of beginner's mind is the expert mind, which already thinks it knows and is closed and not receptive.
As we go through life, there are many lessons being presented and if we have a beginner's mind than the lessons can come in and we can be enriched by them.  If we think we already know than the lessons pass us by only to show up again seeking receptivity.  If life's important lessons are kept out than the message arrives more forcefully.  Think 2X4 on the side of the head as the kind of indication that we have not be receptive to what life has been trying to teach us.  Disease is sometimes seen as an awakening call when we have been ignoring our stressors and the accompanying lessons. 
A beginner's mind keeps the 2X4 in the lumberyard and the immune system vibrantly effective.  If we are receptive, life is easier and works out much better.  If we are receptive our body is lighter and healthier.  If we are receptive are growth is ongoing and our sense of self is enriched. 
Now how do we practice beginner's mind?  The best way to do so is to practice receiving all that comes your way with openness.  Even the messages that are confusing or make us angry offer a gem buried in the discomfort.  What can we learn from this experience, is a great question to explore within?  If the answer is nothing the beginner's mind has closed shop and the lumberyard may be activated. 
Consider this: All messages that we hear or see are offering us awareness if we are open, and don't take them personally.  The second part of this consideration is harder to explain.  (Taking a few minutes to see what inspiration will flow through these fingers.) The beginner's mind is receptive and will always help expand our awareness.  The ego-mind takes things personally and rejects most messages as some kind of affront to its control.  The ego-mind wants to be in charge, the beginner's mind wants to learn.  Which mind offers the best opportunity to realize the life we desire?
I will take tomorrow off but be back to blogging this weekend.  Merry Christmas to you and thanks for stopping by my blog.

Letter #5 to the President
Dear Mr. President,
It is Christmas Eve and I hope all is well for you and your wonderful family.  The best wishes for you and yours.
The Afghan War is not ours and it offers only suffering to many as we get more entangled.  Please send them food, materials for housing, and books for their schools instead of troops, more weapons and bombs. 
I send this letter in protest of the War and request that you re-examine your course of action for the good of us all.
Peace to you,
Joseph Bernard, Ph.D.    

Please join me in this campaign to protest the escalation of the war in Afghanistan.

Send you emails to the President here:

Protest Letter #3 To President Obama, No More War

Dear President Obama, I hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas.  You must feel the weight of your responsibilities and many of us send our support.  You are a brave soul that has a great potential to realize.
In honor of the Prince of Peace and this season of celebration for his birth, I suggest that you turn the tide in Afghanistan towards disengagement rather than escalation.  There can be no outcomes that are not costly to life and to the financial health of our nation.    
I write in protest to this expansion of the war because many of my fellow citizens don't feel like they have a voice in Washington DC.
I respectfully request that you change course and be peaceful and compassionate instead.

Joseph Bernard, Ph.D.

Please join me in this campaign to daily protest the escalation of the war in Afghanistan.  The majority of people in this country do not support this war so we must speak up to change the costly direction we are heading.  
Send you emails to the President here:

NOTE: Don't forget to check out my new post from last night and checkout the video on mindfulness.

Lift Yourself Up By Exploring Mindfulness

This blog often encourages the practice of mindfulness.  In my work I teach mindfulness and my clients seem to get significant benefit from the practice.  At some point I will do a video with a session you can use as an introduction to doing mindfulness.  Today I have on video for you from Jon Kabat-Zinn a pioneer who brought the practice of mindfulness into medicine.  He is a master teacher of meditation and mindfulness. 
This is a wonderful instructional video on the essence of these inner practices.  It takes a little over 70 minutes so set the time aside so you can give it your full attention.  Over the holidays there will be some time where being quiet will feel very nurturing.  If altering your relationship with your mind and emotions interests you, this will be time spent that you will truly value.
As a follow up to this video, I highly suggest Dr. Kabat-Zinn's book, Wherever You Go, There You Are: Mindfulness Meditation in Everyday Life.  This book will provide you with a deeper understanding of the benefits and perspectives of mindfulness.

Mindfulness is about taking back you life from your thoughts and the emotional rollercoaster caused by what you are thinking.  Mindfulness has the capacity to awaken in you the highest consciousness and deepest compassion. 

Please let me know about your experience of this video and of the practice of mindfulness.  I am available for questions and instruction.  Please ask your questions in the comment section or email me at: