This blog often encourages the practice of mindfulness. In my work I teach mindfulness and my clients seem to get significant benefit from the practice. At some point I will do a video with a session you can use as an introduction to doing mindfulness. Today I have on video for you from Jon Kabat-Zinn a pioneer who brought the practice of mindfulness into medicine. He is a master teacher of meditation and mindfulness.
This is a wonderful instructional video on the essence of these inner practices. It takes a little over 70 minutes so set the time aside so you can give it your full attention. Over the holidays there will be some time where being quiet will feel very nurturing. If altering your relationship with your mind and emotions interests you, this will be time spent that you will truly value.
As a follow up to this video, I highly suggest Dr. Kabat-Zinn's book, Wherever You Go, There You Are: Mindfulness Meditation in Everyday Life. This book will provide you with a deeper understanding of the benefits and perspectives of mindfulness.
Mindfulness is about taking back you life from your thoughts and the emotional rollercoaster caused by what you are thinking. Mindfulness has the capacity to awaken in you the highest consciousness and deepest compassion.
Please let me know about your experience of this video and of the practice of mindfulness. I am available for questions and instruction. Please ask your questions in the comment section or email me at: