Most of the time we hardly notice how busy the mind is a categorizing, profiling, and judging others. The moment we walk into a room of people the judging machine called our mind goes to work. This is the work of the ego sorting everyone under the falsehood of keeping us safe.
About 95% of our judging has nothing to do with safety and is more about habit and the ego’s need to try to have power and control over others. On a global level we could even say all conflicts within, with others, between beliefs/factions and including wars are started within the judging mind.
The ego-mind is the source of the biggest lie ever spread through humanity. This lie is that we are different because of our beliefs, our color, our politics, our national boundaries and whatever other artificial separation we have manufactured.
The real truth is we are one big human family on a planet we have named Earth. All differences are made up within our thoughts. These thoughts are not real - just inventions of the fear-based ego-mind.
Once we see and acknowledge the power of our non-stop judging, we can use this awareness to expand our understanding of human nature.
All judging, blaming, categorizing, pigeon-holing, name calling, border clashing, religion bashing, nationalistic chest thumping and arguments of superiority and emotional roller-coasters of fear, anger and hate are the workings of our ego. These are ideas, beliefs and emotions made up within our thinking. All this teeth gnashing is a product of fabricated thoughts.
Why does all this matter? It matters greatly on many levels. We are run by our thoughts and beliefs. Most of these thoughts and beliefs are plainly not real and clearly only creations of our thinking.
The mind can become so programmed, conditioned, twisted and rationalized that we end up living in a world of almost total falsehood with little or no contact with what the underlining reality is.
What is real is that we are all brothers and sisters on a small, oceanic and beautiful planet floating across an apparent endless universe. No matter how important our mind may want to think we are, in truth we are a small life force on speck of planet in a huge universe.
Back to why this matters. This matters because all differences are false, all judging to make us seem different is false, so this leaves us with one clear conclusion – we are one family. Then the question becomes, How do we treat each other as family?
Yes, I know there are families who don’t get along and some family members that don’t like each other but that is also caused by the mind and the emotions our thoughts create. All separation is made up at every level.
When the judging mind is slowed down and we make contact with each other, we find there is much more in common than we imagined.
We all want a better life.
We all want the best for those we care about.
We all want to be healthy and be happy.
We all want purpose and meaning.
We all want to love and be loved.
Now let’s take this further. Since everyone is part of our global family and since we all share many similar basic wants why not shift the whole planetary egoic story to create a better world where everyone everywhere matters?
What if we dissolved all of our differences by simply recognizing that what separates us is false and what we now need to do is:
Accept each other as fully as we can.
Support and encourage each other.
Have love and compassion for everyone.
Care for those who need care.
Share with everyone so no one has to go without.
Move towards an economy that benefits everyone.
Eliminate all economic structures and inventions that do not serve the good of all.
Redefine government to serve the people.
Move towards a way of life that benefits the well-being of all of us.
Care for the planet, the water, the air, the land and all other life forms that share Earth with us.
Keep growing and expanding our minds, our creativity, our genius, our greatness for the benefit of all.
Provide the best holistic healthcare for all.
This may seem like a radical approach but it is more a reflection of the true state of humanity. We can come to the full realization of our connection to each other and live in accordance with that wisdom or, we can continue to live in an ego driven world where the goals are winning, more profits, more money, more power and more control at whatever cost.
To me the choice is clear.
PS My new book Finding The Voice Of The Soul is about moving your life from the dominance of your ego-mind to one that is guided by the voice of your soul. This book was just published and is available at Amazon. This brief but empowering book will do wonders for your life and it invites those who read it to see the bigger picture of all of us being connected.