What if where you put your mind’s attention is the key to success? Through the many years I have explored the methods to create success and the life I desire I have come to the conclusion that where I put my attention will be one of the major determinants of the results I create. The following are some examples about the choices you and I have for shaping our ability to be successful with our mind’s attention.
You can put your attention on what you want to have happen or on what isn’t working – which will be more successful?
You can put your attention on accepting those around you or on their faults – which will be more successful?
You can put your attention on positive action or on anger about what isn’t happening the way you want it to – which will be more successful?
You can turn inward in search of what will make you happy or you can look to others to make you happy – which will be more successful?
You can put your attention on what you love or the things you fear – which will be more successful?
Where our mind goes shapes our experience of life. The essence of these attention choices can, in a way, be simplified.
Is the focus of attention on what is possible, what is now, what is expansive, what is open hearted, what is right according to our higher nature?
Or is the focus of attention on what is wrong, what is in the past or future, what is frustrating, what feels out of control, what is fearful, what is the ego’s need?
Stated in another way – is the focus of attention from our inner wisdom, the place of the spirit or soul or is the focus from the need of the ego?
These questions are coming up because of the writing project I am working on about the hopeful voice of the soul and the fearful voice of the ego within you and I. These two voices are often the source of our attention. The voice of the soul is more expansive and open and the voice of the ego is more fearful and restricted. The voice of the soul seeks to encourage and inspire while the voice of ego wants to control and limit the damage.
I will share more of these ideas as I go but in the mean time take a minute or two throughout your day to see which voice (soul or ego) is in charge. That will be feedback enough to know whether you are heading in the right direction or not. The soul knows what is right and the ego is trying not to do what is wrong.