Come And Join The Movement Toward Awakening

As is usually the case, I am in the midst of reading several books that are filling me with ways to the see myself and the world from a more expanded state of consciousness.  The one book that seems like a must read for every human being interested in waking up is called The Untethered Soul by Michael Singer.  This book will knock your consciousness seeking socks off. 

 My passion for seeking higher consciousness/for realizing my potential has been inspirational force for most of my adult.  These almost 40 years of reading, exploring, and inner practicing have enriched my experience of life in more ways then I could ever count.  This blog is inspired by this life long hunger for knowing more and living with an open heart. 

Now it seems time to boldly go out into the world beyond the safety of a job and sitting comfortable at my desk writing my posts for the Explore Life Journal.  What that looks like is getting clearer all the time.  How it will happen is not as clear but courageous action is needed.

Are you ready for a shift to happen?  What does your soul tell you about what to do next?  Is your intuition sending your messages you know you need to pay attention to and act upon?

Just yesterday one of my favorite teachers of self-realization, John Sherman and his wife Carla sent out a wonderful letter, which put forward a plan to help shift humanity towards a greater well-being.  Please read this letter and see if you want to join them or explore their work.   Also there is a very clear explanation of John’s basic practice (see this link to The Fear Of Life.) in this plan.

My wife Bobbi and I are feeling a similar strong calling using some different words and ideas but still wanting to help raise consciousness and self-awareness.  John and Carla are further down the road and they have much to offer with John’s talks, intensives and retreats.  We too have talks we are planning, individual session to offer and retreats to give. 

If you listen inward you may also feel the call to go out into the world in a fuller expression of your higher nature.  This calling is a universal one that seems to be vibrating around the planet at this time.  Of course the timing is perfect because the need is intense as so much struggle seems present in the world.  

Whatever you feel drawn to, please go follow it with passion and purpose and you will enrich us all.