Part of the noted Zen teacher Cheri Huber recent interview over at Insights At The Edge (Sounds True) was a point of view that I sense is important but I seem reluctant to fully let it. This truth is that there is not only nothing wrong with me, but even more, there is nothing wrong at all anywhere. There is nothing wrong. Think and feel this statement for a few minutes and watch the fireworks go off inside the mind.
What do you mean there is nothing wrong is my first line of defense. I can go on about talking heads that spout distasteful opinions or corporations that only care about profits and other hugely disappointing situations in the world. These seem wrong and I want to say they are at some level. Are they? What if there is nothing wrong then what upsets me about things, what if I didn’t question, and what if we just put up with things we shouldn’t and more? As I write this I feel uneasy with letting go of my questions and sadly what I see as blame. Sadly because I don’t want to be a blamer but I also don’t want to be so passive that what seems wrong wins, how do I work this out inside?
If today I started from the point of view that nothing is wrong then what happens to my social activist, the peace advocate, and the social critic? Well I can still be an advocate for more peace, for better social systems and for a more compassionate world. Can I however stop pointing out who I think the bad guys are?
This is my plan and I write it here with great hesitation because I can feel that I am going to make a commitment that could be harder to do than seems possible. I will commit to focus on only what is right, that there is nothing wrong for the next 30 days. Can I do this? I guess you and I will find that out. So until April 9, 2011 I will appreciate what is and not find things wrong. How about trying this experiment with me? I think it will be transformative. Drop me a note if you are going to join in and I will send you some emails about some of my challenges with this experiment and offer you insight about any of your struggles.
What I appreciated about yesterday as I wrote this was the sunny weather, the great people I work with, my clients who are doing their best to find recovery, my dog who is a wonderful part of our family, my wife who is a very loving person and much more. I will feel more relaxed if I am not reading my political sites and living in the bliss of the moment where awareness will always lead to new and expansive insights.