10 Holiday Enhancers

The Holiday Season is an enjoyable time of year. It can also be stressful as people hurry and worry.  An easier way to go about this time of year is to take the time to be mindful of your thoughts and your heart. What people really appreciate is the kindness you share, the compassion you have, and the acts of caring. This season is not about stuff but about the heart. Yes commercialism seems has taken over but that can be ignored.

How can you express your heart and enjoy what this time of year offers? Here are a few ideas that will enrich your experience of the holiday spirit:

1.  Take the time to have meaningful conversations

2.  Listen to others with patience and compassion

3.  Offer to spend time and give support

4.  Reach out to those in need with acts of kindness

5.  Allow time for you to be quiet and peaceful

6.  Be accepting of others and relax the judging mind

7.  Each day appreciate all the gifts of life

8.  Find what greater aspect of who you are longs to be expressed

9.  Live as much as you can in the now where true joy, love, hope and peace reside

10. Relax, take it easy and go for a walk

Take the time to be mindful of what you are doing, what thoughts are running you and what feelings your are creating and get ready for 2012 which is going to be an amazing year. 

My dog Pax, my wife Bobbi and I wish you a Merry Christmas and a wonderful Holiday season.