Letting The Inspiration Flow

For the next few days I will be in the Portland area visiting my family.  My brother who lives on the East Coast will be there.  I rarely get to see him.  My large family likes to get together and cook up some great meals and enjoy each other’s company.  The cooking thing is kind of funny.  My mom was a very mediocre cook but we all turned out to be pretty good at making really great meals.  One of my sisters has a catering business and the rest of us cook for the pure pleasure of it. 

I won’t be writing much while I am there visiting so I wanted to share a few notes with you until I return home.   The readership of my blog has slowed down but my Facebook (Joseph Bernard) and my Twitter (explorelife) are cooking with lots of activity.  I am going to make some significant changes in what I am doing here at my blog one of these days soon. 

I love this daily discipline of writing this blog and letting the inspiration flow through me.  I have been doing this for over four years with posts at least 5 days a week and now over 1500 posts.  I feel very blessed to have such inspiration available to flow through me.  Thanks for your readership.  I so much appreciate you taking your time to check in with me and see what I am up to.

This is a wonderful time to be alive and one with great uncertainty.  I have a very strong intuitive sense that major shifts are happening now that will bring the light of a new improved world over the next few years.  I hope that I am participating in this transformation in my own simple way. 

In the next few months I will have several new books I have been working on for you to check out.  I feel excited about the writing I am doing. I hope you will also.  Until then I will write here at my blog most days and continue to let the light of inspiration flow through my fingers.

If you get a chance to leave a comment or send me a message about something that has been meaningful for you as a reader I would appreciate hearing from you.

I will be back here in a few days.  Have some fun not matter what, because fun makes life a joy to live.