Twitter, Bowl Of Light, Dr. Siegel

This post is a mix of ideas but each seemed important to mention on this morning as I look out at the abundance of the universe falling in liquid form.  As you know if you spend any time here at my blog, I greatly value questions.  With that in mind I have started a series of questions called Growth Through Question (GTQ) over at Twitter.  I have an idea of creating a personal growth community on Twitter for the purpose of us joining together to raise our consciousness.  If you are interested, you can follow me under the name of explorelife.   I promise to ask simple by important questions if you are interested in growing as a human being. 

Lately in my reading of the Bowl Of Light by Hank Wesselman I came upon an idea from a very wise Shaman/Kahuna named Makua. I have been making my way through this book slowly because the ideas from the Hawaiian spiritual tradition of the Kahuna are so rich with insights.  The wisdom he shared that got my attention this weekend was that zeal is the opposite of love.   It seems the world has become a place where lots of people with zeal (zealots) want everybody to hear their point of view as if it represents the only real truth.  Religion and politics are filled with zealots as we all hear too often. 

Zeal is the opposite of love because zeal comes from a closed mind and love comes from an open heart.  Zeal is from the ego-mind and it can range from enthusiastic to dogmatic.  The dogmatic part is far from the heart’s way of being in the world.  I suspect we would all be better off to ignore the zealots of any belief system because they are not in touch with what is most important, the wisdom of the heart. 

I also wanted to share an inspired Ted Talk with you from Dan Siegel MD who is on the leading edge of mindfulness and healing both us and the planet.   In this video he talks about the importance of developing compassion.

Have a great week and remember to be present as often as you can because being in the now will help you find love and happiness throughout your day.