One of the ideas in my awareness lately is that our emotions are powerful in more ways than we often realize. Too often emotions especially in us mail types are ignored or undervalued.
Here are some things I have learned about emotions as a mental health professional and observer of human nature:
Emotions are energetic forces, energy in motion (e-motion)
Emotions can provide power for your passions
Emotions shape your experience of life
Emotions can push your purpose forward
Emotions provide you with direct feedback
Emotions and feelings are basically the same things
Emotions are almost always caused by your thoughts
Emotions can move people to action
Emotions can be very unsettling
Emotions indicate you are alive and not numbed out
Emotions when stuffed cause tension in your body
Emotions tell you when you are on track or off track in life
Emotions are either love based or fear based
Emotions that are positive (love, peace, joy etc) only arise when we are in the present moment
Emotions that are negative (fear, anger, anxious etc) only come up when we are thinking about the past or the future
Emotions can lift us up or take us down
Emotions occur within us and are not caused by others
Emotions can limit you when tied to faulty beliefs
Emotions can influence your decisions
Emotions can connect you to others or cause you to pull away
Emotions are not rational
Emotions are felt in your body not your mind
Emotions can speed you up
Emotions can bring you joy
Emotions are linked to your heart
Emotions are considered a weakness by men
Emotions are more accepted and valued by women
Emotions can be stuffed
Emotions can be expressed in healthy ways
Emotions can be forces of healing and forces of illness
Emotions that are acknowledged and accepted flow through us and make us feel alive
There is much to appreciate about you as a feeling human being. Take the time to get to know what your emotions are throughout your day. Appreciate your emotions and you will have a positive self-esteem. Feel your emotions and you will experience energy and aliveness.