Yesterday was a very busy day with attended an evening workshop on Mindfulness and the Homeless and then the gym for a late evening workout after a full day at work. I am squeezing the writing of this blog wherever I can find a few minutes. There were not very many minutes to write but I did put together some ideas to share with you today.
The evening presentation was by Jana Drakka a Zen Priest whose ministry is the homeless in San Francisco. She is an amazing person who found herself homeless and addicted after being traumatized by the relationship she was in. She was intuitively drawn to Zen and found her way to the Zen Center in SF and began her long journey to her recovery.
With her lovely accent from her native Scotland she talks about the mindfulness and meditation she teaches those who are homeless and troubled. She got hooked on serving humanity when she saw even the most troubled get some peace of mind through the practices she teaches. She says of being a Zen priest she has made a commitment to non-attachment to the things of the world, which means she is homeless. I am confident she has a place to stay each night because she is a valued resource in San Francisco and a member of a spiritual community. Jana is a bright light to the world and especially to those she serves.
I felt very uplifted by her presence and her words because in my work with addicted client many we serve are without a home. I find helping these trouble human beings very rewarding and meaningful.
Jana – Thank you for being who you are and making such a positive difference. Jana has a Facebook page and can use your help at Jana Drakka Community Services.