One of the staff at our Detox program is heading into the Peace Corp and there was a going away party for him at a local pub last night. The University of Colorado band was playing on Pearl Street near the pub because tomorrow is the first home football game. The place was busy and buzzing. It is sad and exciting to say goodbye. He will not miss the crazy drunk college kids tomorrow night in Detox because he has worked with them before and he is knows they can be a handful.
When people I know leave and move on to new experiences I feel both a positive anticipation for them and sadness because they are gone and I will miss them. This 24 y/o guy was a joy to have around and now he gets to go to Azerbaijan next to Iran on the Caspian Sea and make a difference for children in a difficult place to grow up. They will greatly appreciate him and he will grow as they teach him also.
His going also has me thinking it is a time for change for me also. I feel the call again and again to write more, to make a bigger difference, to commit more deeply to my own journey toward higher consciousness, and to focus more on my peace work. It seems the universe is lining up support for that to happen but what that looks like is yet unclear. I am ready, my wife is ready and Pax our peace dog is ready.
I don’t find myself waiting, instead I sense a greater urge to explore more ideas, to further open my mind, to expand my heart, and to keep getting stronger in ways of flow, intuition, creativity and passionate action. Where this will lead me is unknown but there is much positive anticipation.
The words in me that I feel and want to explore are: love, peace and harmony. I send those out to the world to show me the way to my greater expression. I also send them to my young friend as he heads to a foreign land where his life will be very different for the next two years. Love, peace and harmony, may we spread it everywhere we go in our own unique way.
What urges to change do you feel? What guiding ideas are calling you to expressing your uniqueness?