Leaving September 11th Behind

Today is September 11th and my wife and I headed off to a wedding in the mountains in a place called Red Feathers, it is good to have a positive experience on this tragic day in American history. 

We have now returned after 4.5 hours on the road from the very nice wedding and needed to hit the gym late because there was too much good stuff to eat.  Celebrations are fun and this one was especially good because we got to spend time with lots of my wife’s family that has become mine also.  It was a sunny warm day up in the mountains and I can see I should have worn a hat at the ceremony because I got a little baked.

It is late and I am tired and this is going to be a very short post.  With the historically negative day known now as 9/11  coming to an end I feel glad to leave it behind.  A dear friend of ours was in one of the towers and she got out but is re-traumatized every year by this event’s anniversary.  I hope she heals and we all heal from that day. 

The best way to heal from the events of this day is to acknowledge the feelings that still linger within us and focus on the positive things in our lives now.  Yesterday is in the past and tomorrow is waiting full of potentials and possibilities.  We can move on if we live in the present, where truly is the only place we can life anyway.

Peace and healing to all.