May The Optimizing Force Be With You

I love podcasts because they enrich my life with ideas.  There are many free resources out there including my favorites like Sounds True (see ad to the right), Alan Watts, Theatre of The Mind, The Moth Podcast and others.  On one of the podcasts I listen to recently Patricia Albere was interviewed at Theatre of the Mind about her work called the Evolutionary Collective.  She talked about an optimizing force in the universe and that got me thinking about the possibilities of that force in our lives.

As is usual for me questions come to mind:

What is the optimizing force?

How do we tune in and/or open to the force?

Can this force be directed by human beings or are we to follow its direction?

Is this force able to transform the planet to higher levels of consciousness, peace and compassion?


Imagine, if you will, an optimizing force waiting to assist us all towards a richer expression of humanity.  Now more questions to contemplate:

How would you intuitively tap into this force? 

What optimal direction would you want to take the planet in? 

What if we all came together with our intentions and worked to awaken consciousness, to evolve mindfully towards the wisdom of our hearts and the expansive nature of our mind and spirit?


Explore this if you are drawn to these ideas:

Take some time over the next week or so and see if you can get acquainted with this optimizing force. 

Once you have a sense of this force see if you can deepen your relationship to it. 

Imagine that millions of others are also tuning in and activating their relationship with this force. 

Now imagine you and the rest of us seekers all coming together for the transformation of humanity. 

Then imagine the amazing results we could manifest. 

Keep that imagining active and feel the collective consciousness expand. 

Now imagine the social structures in need of change getting caught up in this energy and changing more effortless than anyone could ever imagine.  

 May this force be with you.