A big chill is working its way into Colorado today with cold temperatures and snow predicted. We have been very dry and mild all Fall, which means the trails are clear and the bike riding safe. I am an outdoor exerciser and this fall has been super for running, hiking and biking. This could all change and I hope the forecasters are wrong.
2010 is quickly coming to an end, what do you feel grateful about this year? What has been positive about 2010 for you? I have been very blessed and have much to be grateful for:
I have my excellent health and good working body
I have a wonderful loving partner
My work has gotten much more interesting over the past few months
I feel my experiments with out-of-body experiences have already enhanced my life is very significant ways
My car is running well
My dog is healthy and a great friend
The people I work with are a joy to spend time with
My clients have brought out the best in me
I have made a difference in people’s lives
My inspiration for my blog continues in amazing ways
My blog has a steady readership
I have a wonderful family with my dad, his wife, my brothers and sisters and their families, my cousin Sharon and her husband and daughters all enrich my life and I hope to spend more time with them
I am grateful for each breath and the precious moments of life
I sense my heart has opened more and feel filled with compassion
I am writing this on my new MacBook, which is lots of fun and a great tool for me
I have become a more conscious and aware human being
My cooking has been a creative and enjoyable expression
My teaching opportunity and my students this Fall were a joy to work with and to get to know
I have had lots of inspiration for some new projects
I feel like I have become open to a rich flow of prosperity in my life
I have become more mindful and less judging
I have some good friends
My Apple Shuffle has been a great source of music and inspirational ideas
I have been very inspired by the podcasts at Sounds True, at OnBeing, the Moth Podcasts, This American Life, and Brain Sync at others free resources
I have enjoyed my deep connection with nature
I greatly value my nightly meditation walks
I appreciate the sense of humor of the people I work with in a stressful job
I appreciate the benefits and the pay I receive working for Boulder County Public Health
I enjoy the world-wide-web and the infinite resources it makes available to me
I am thankful for all the good books I read this year
I am grateful to the creative force of the universe that looks after all of us and is the source of many of my blessings
I am optimistic because more and more people are raising their consciousness and opening their hearts
And so much more
What do you appreciate in 2010? I look forward to 2011 being even more fantastic.