This morning the sun is shining brightly on my back as I write and it feels nurturing on a cold day. Light has a powerful presence in our lives: as a way to bring us out of darkness, as a source of heat, as the sparkle in one’s eyes, as a metaphor for awakening as in becoming enlightened, as a bringer of hope or inspiration, and more. Within you and myself is a light whose origin is our spirit. In our lives we can live in the light of our spirit and the Universe or we can clamor around in the shadows of what is limited.
This note is to you as an invitation to be your light, to be a beacon of light to the world. Your light has the potential to be as powerful as you want it to be. You can shine brightly in your family and community, on a larger level or be a global beacon of light for all humanity. Your light is infinite but only as bright as you let it be expressed.
Your light may be a flicker you see in the mirror or a smile amongst friend. Your light could flood the world with hope and be a source of inspiration to others. Your light could awaken others to their light. Your actions could be your light. Your heart could be your light. Your mind could be your light. Your spirit realized could be your light. Your body’s expression could be your light. Your passion could be your light. Your wisdom expressed could be your light. Your compassionate acts could be your light.
How do you find and expand your light might be a question coming up for you now as you read this? The answer is both an intuitive knowing within you which can be enhanced by a variety of practices. The practices that will work best for you will be the ones that feel right. These practices include: meditation, mindfulness, yoga, chi kung, contemplative prayer, exploring silence, development of intuition, energy and healing practices, out of body exploration, spiritual teachers, vision quest, ritualistic dance, voice/sound practice, and other ways of creative expression and so much more. You can explore for a while and see what works for you or you can take up a simple practice like mindfulness or exploring your silence and let yourself be guided to your path of light.
Along the way it will be come clear to you that you feel more alive, your feel more focused, you have a deeper sense of peace and your heart feels fully engaged in what you are doing. When you realized you have arrived within your own light, you can then let your light shine out into whatever you do and wherever you go.
Stoking the flames of your light is doing what works to bring all your passion to life. The inner journey will be your source as you deepen your relationship with your higher nature/Higher Self/ Spirit. Explore tapping into who you are beyond your ordinary mind, beyond your ego and personality. This you beyond your thoughts will be so freeing that you will naturally go more toward the higher light within. This higher light is one with the Great Source of the Universe.
The brighter your light the more you will be a positive force on the planet. Letting your light shine as fully as possible will enrich all of us.