Finding Our Way To Our Purpose With Passion

The papers I have read so far are thoughtful and informative as to the level of awareness they have.  I so much enjoy inviting and encouraged others to awaken, to explore what is possible within them, and to find a way to open their hearts so we can all benefit.  What is this passion in me about?

Back in 1973 I took a course at Portland State after I completed my Bachelors Degree in Education from OSU.  As I write this I remembered that I was drawn to education after a year or two in my undergraduate program because I thought teaching was what I wanted to do.  That draw to teach was right but it wasn’t in the way I thought of then.  This course at PSU taught by a very inspirational teacher Elizabeth Drew woke something up in me that was in waiting.  

What woke up was a passion for learning, for thinking, for questioning, for looking beyond the surface, and for living my life as an experiment and exploration.  Once the genie was released from the bottle, I began to search for my next step in my education and within months I was in a Masters Program in Education – Counseling.  Those three years of classes fueled the passion for learning and as soon as I finished my degree I went looking for more.  That looking has never ceased since that time.  I always have 3-5 books going and new things to explore.  I can’t seem to get enough or maybe I know I got more to experiment with and this life is flying by. 

Now in this class I have an opportunity to invite others to find their passion, to live as fully as they can, to make a difference in the world in their own unique way.  If just one light goes on there may be enough enlightenment to wake up the world.  There has been more than one light that has gone on with my assistance and even in this class I can see the aliveness that is there now that wasn’t there when it started 7 weeks ago.  I am often humbled by this opportunity to be present and to inspire others because I can’t imagine doing anything more rewarding and more purposeful.

There is further expression in me lining up now and waiting to be released out into whatever world I am blessed to share in.  I do what I do because I am who I am. 

What is the call in you inviting you to awaken, to express, to explore, to give, to make a difference?  Join with me and so many others who want to leave the world a better place and together we will.