I just got back from two days up in the mountains where I was away from all the things I do including writing this blog. I meant to write a post on Saturday but the long hike at elevation wiped out the three of us (my wife, Pax our dog and myself) and we took a long nap in the afternoon and then got locked out of our cabin. More about the lockout as I share my story of the weekend.
It was our 4th anniversary this weekend and we decided to go to my wife’s sisters cabin up at Red Feather Lakes where we stayed last year for a week. It is a nice house in a beautiful place. Last year and this year we however got locked out because the lock jams randomly or at least for us. This time is was after dark and it was getting cold out. I had to back my truck up next to the house as close as I could get. My wife stood on the top of the truck and slowly worked the window open and ripped the screen out. I provided support to help her keep her balance and then she stood on my shoulders and jumped up into the window as I pushed her. She went in headfirst. I was a funny scene to see her legs straight up in the air. We had a good laugh even though it was a difficult struggle to get her in that upper window. We won’t stay there again unless the lock it fixed.
The other interesting event was our hike at about 9000 feet which was up for about 90 minutes and rocky and then a return back down. The beauty of this trail is a joy but some of the sounds around us were very unsettling. There were people shooting guns as if it was a battle zone, lots of rounds sometimes rapid fire. Regular hunting season isn’t here yet so it wasn’t hunting. I understand in this area, maybe in all of Colorado, you can shoot small animals year around. There were times it seemed very close fortunately I don’t think it was. What is it about guys and their guns? Is there some kind of ego compensation going on there? Yes that sound like a therapist’s kind of question possibly because I am. How can shooting at things like small creatures provide any sense of fun or satisfaction? This seems like heartless play by men who have lost touch with something?
I don’t understand the need for guns and how come it is ok to just fire away near hiking trails? Guns bring violence into the world and they don’t belong in areas where people go for recreation. I don’t see shooting as a sport but more like senseless killing. If you feed your family that makes some sense but small creatures are most likely not for eating.
I personally support banning guns from all public lands. Recently there were arguments about students having guns on college campuses. This debate seems idiotic especially with all the use and abuse of drugs and alcohol. There are no needs for guns on campus, on public lands, bars, restaurants and other public places. What are the benefits of guns for humanity? Yes there are a very few people who need to be controlled but why is it more and more that guns and imprisonment are often the only choices.
Other than the all the gunfire on our hike and being locked out of our cabin, the weekend was a nice break from the norm. Frankly I am glad to be back home. Have a good week.