In Honor Of MLK, What Are You Doing For Others?

It is an honor to celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. on this day.  As I reviewed the news at the Huffington Post this morning they had this quote from Dr King:

'Life's Most Persistent And Urgent Question Is: What Are You Doing For Others?

Dr King spent his adult life doing for others and the world is a much better place because of it.  That spirit of reaching out to our brothers and sisters with compassion and helping them is so needed today.   Look around you and see what causes matter to you?  Where do you see the need to help?  What are you willing to give?

In Parade Magazine yesterday was a story of a family of four who sold their big house and moved into a smaller one and used the money from the sale to make a difference to those who were less fortunate.   What can you give in either in resources, time, energy, or ideas?

There are many people and organizations that help those in need.  Take some time and investigate what areas you want to make a difference in and then look at what organizations are involved and see which ones you want to help.  Volunteering and giving always feels good.  

Let your heart open up and allow your infinite supply of compassion be tapped into and bring your flow of love out into the world.  This is a wonderful way to feel happy and purposeful.  

I came upon another quote the other day whose author is unknown.  This quote is very fitting for this day in honor of Martin Luther King.

Do all the good you can, with all the means you can, in all the ways you can, as long as you can.”

Peace and inspiration for compassionate action for you this day and every day.  

Peace Letter # 22

Dear President Obama,  

This day is in honor of Martin Luther King Jr. who has been an inspiration to you and to all of us.  His heart of compassion made a huge difference in the world.  Your heart of compassion can also do the same.

Let you be inspired by your heart and bring real peace to the world.  Compassionate action is helping those who need our aid not with weapons and war but with kindness and understanding.  Please bring your heart into every discussion about Afghanistan so that compassion wins out over war.

Peace to you and all Americans,

Joseph Bernard, Ph.D.

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