You Are The One You Have Been Waiting For

How was your weekend? As usually mine went way too fast, yours probably did also. For some reason my reading has gone up lately as I am reading a number of books at once. I mentioned Joseph Murphy’s book in the previous blog. Another book is We Are The Ones We Have Been Looking For written by Alice Walker. Wow can she write, the introduction of the book as already cookin’. Phrases like: breaking free from the dictatorship of greed, confused by our enslavement to superior cruelty and weaponry, not willing to disappear into our flower gardens or Mercedes Benzes and many more.

I can already tell this writing is for the cause of all of us who share this planet. This is creativity with purpose as its guiding force. Where is this kind of passion and purpose in you and I? I get glimpses of the fire in my belly here at this blog and I am grateful for this opportunity to express while I explore.

We are the ones we have been waiting for, where do you feel that truth of this inside? This truth vibrates clearly in my heart and is obviously in alignment with my spirit. For some reason the next thought that entered my mind was that anyone who claims to be aligned with God/Spirit/Allah etc and supports war or any other form of societal murder is delusional in their beliefs. The Source of the Universe is about life, beauty, compassion and healthy expression.

Another question link to Spirit in my mind is how come women keep getting abused, assaulted and murdered here in this country and around the world as if they a possessions not people. These actions cannot be from anyone who understands the link of the heart to the Great Creative Force. How come no one calls those out those so called men of faith who perpetrate awful human behavior and rationalized it? This seems live another set of illness of the mind caused by deadness in the heart.

Sorry if this all seems so heavy but isn’t it time we faced that facts that we have much awareness and consciousness to spread in the world and to deepen in ourselves. That to be a mindless and misinformed shouter (health insurance debates) does nothing good and instead shows the failure of our education system. Real heart, compassion and true spiritual maturity are so needed today.

I am rededicating myself to be the one I have been waiting for to make a real difference, will you please join me in whatever way moves your heart. Pick up Alice Walker’s book and read long with me and together we will change the world so that it is peaceful, compassionate, joyous and prosperous for all.