Just heard from a good friend that she is still looking for work and her husband just found a job. They both lost their jobs due to the economy last year. It has to be a very scary time for many people. These times are rich with potential for a real inner shift to take place. This shift can happen because our comfort zone gets demolished and we are forced to take a serious inventory of who we are and where we want to go. This inventory includes: our sense of self, our confidence, our adaptability, our frame of mind, our flexibility, our energy, our sense of a higher power, our courage, our willingness, our purpose, our intention, and our heart and compassion.
In times of challenge, we can rise to the challenge, be afraid, feel stuck and immobilized, or lay low and hope things change. The best approach is to begin by acknowledging that we are full of feelings in response to what is going on. These feelings are generated by our thoughts about our circumstances. Our thoughts shape our experience. So why not have thoughts of what is most important, what plans sound positive and resourceful, and what kinds of action would be helpful to take? This is a time when risk-taking, intuition, and creativity can play a big role in encouraging real change.
If we play it safe we will tend to do what is familiar and easiest to do. Following the beaten path may end us up right where we started. Taking a different path, one that is less traveled has a greater possibility for creating new and improved results. Courage is a factor here because to go out of our comfort zone means going beyond what is known. This breaking from the ordinary often brings about extraordinary results.
Where do you need to take the leap of faith in your life and cross the invisible bridge toward something you have longed for? Indicators that your chosen path is worth following are that it is a path with heart, with purpose, with energy, and it feels right in your mind, your gut and in the place of higher knowing. Then you can be sure this is what life is about; to go for what truly matters to you.
“Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it. Begin it now!” Goethe