Where did we loose confidence along the way? Seems like the very young don’t lack confidence to try just about anything. I suspect the world around us throws all these curves our way and we strike out so much that we no longer trust ourselves. Society plays a role, our families, schools and churches also do.
How do we get boldly back out there in life and go for it again? How do we find our stride and walk with the sureness of someone heading where they want to go with all the needed tools onboard?
The addicts I work with are filled with self-doubt because they have been so out of touch with themselves. So that leads you and I to a way to find our way back to confidence, be in touch with who we are, what we think, how we feel. Get to know our inner dialogue, find our heart, and listen to our intuitive knowing.
As we finish school and venture out into the world we learn through our work, our experiences, our searching for what feels right. We figure our way through the early trials of becoming an adult. Over time we learn the game or the rules of adulthood and we may actually feel we have it figured out. Awe the innocence of early adulthood is so blissful at times. Be unaware sometimes works for a while as the ego paves over any self-doubt. Later fortunately the ego can take a back seat to the insightful wisdom gained from life.
We have relationships that continually teach us about others and ourselves. Slowly we may understand that giving is living fully. We may find ourselves with a good and patient partner who teaches us how to love. Our children have such trust that we may remember confidence once again through their eyes.
Careers use to be for a lifetime but now they change frequently and confidence may rise and fall as you adapt to yet another change. Mastery in our work life may be something we achieve and that confidence comes on slowly over time.
Then there is spiritual growth, which is in essence returning to the source of who we were when we came into our bodies. This attention to who we are in relationship with the Creative Force of the universe can awaken a belief in self beyond the ordinary expression of day-to-day life. As one expands into a higher realm of our own reality, confidence knocks at the door through consciousness. To make contact and to realize our unlimited nature may be the ultimate freedom.
This inner journey back to confidence can be colored by those around us but ultimately it is solo in nature. Where is the next step in your realization going to come from? How do you know and how will you help it to happen? Can you imagine walking through your life with a confident step, an open heart, and the purpose filled determination to leave the world a better place in your own unique way?