It will be Friday when you read this and I am looking forward to a few days off. It has been a very busy week and I am sitting here at my computer tonight writing my first draft for my blog for tomorrow. I just finished a 4.5 hour workshop at 8:30 pm and my mind wants to shut down but the blog writer in me just keeps on moving my fingers across the keyboard. It seems at this point I am going through the motions except there is a part of me that won’t settle for any excuse as to why I need the day off from writing this. It appears I am not a person that gives up easily.
The truth is I don’t give up easily. As a distance runner I know how to push myself, how to keep going even when I am very tired. I often take these tired times as the best times to build strength and self-discipline. If I know I can keep going, I keep going.
Persistence is a great quality on the way to creating the life I want, on the way to bringing about positive change. I feel the need to follow through all the way to the finish line. I don’t give up because I know I can make it. What drives you when your are challenged?
This got me thinking about needing a new project that challenges me even more. I want a project that is will create very beneficial results, one I can accomplish in a reasonable amount of time and one that helps people, my community, our nation or the planet. There are no shortages of issues out there but sometimes there seems to be a shortage of people willing to do what it takes.
Would you join me and find a project that challenges you. These following issues seem worth all the effort you or I could put into them:
• Push for health care for everyone
• Protect the health of our air and water
• Help all those that have been abused as children and stopping putting them in prison as adults
• Spread higher consciousness across the globe
• Promote self-care of mind, body, emotions and spirit
• End the domination of corporations in our government and over the rights and needs of the people
• Make sure every human being has food, a home, and opportunities to better him or her self.
• Spread compassion, caring, kindness and love through everything we do
• Promote personal freedom through awareness and mindfulness
• Encourage and inspire the best in everyone we come I contact with
• Make having fun, being creative, and living passionately as the path to a wonderful life
Which ones do you want to take on? What would you add to this list?
Celebrate life in some way this weekend. Thanks for stopping by.