Golf, Nuggets, Bliss, and Book Launch

People are excited here in Colorado as the Denver Nuggets are making their way through the playoffs. They have never won this conference championship in their history and they lost a close first of seven game series. I got back home late from golf in which I may have shot my best round in my life and caught the last few minutes of the basketball game. I am such an athlete at heart and I love to play games like golf and ping-pong. I say this almost with a sense of embarrassment and I am not sure why. I guess in my late 50’s I feel like the kid in me shouldn’t be there and yet I know it is also totally ok to have the enthusiasm for play of a child.

This child in you and I is a real source for joy and a total blessing
. If I could make my living playing sports at this age I would jump at the opportunity. I also love my work helping others, but it isn’t as much fun as just playing and enjoying games of movement, coordination, and focus. It seems like the hemispheres of my brain and the neurochemicals of joy are stimulated by sports. Playing freely and having fun is a great combination for me.

What do you love to do? What gets you all energized and excited? What lights the fire of passion in you? If you know the answer to these questions and you are living this kind of passionate life, you are incredibly blessed. If you know the answers but have yet to follow the clear guidance of the bliss inside of you than you are missing out on a wonderful life. Please choose to follow your bliss; this will insure that you will have lots more fun in all aspect of living. You can do this easily by tuning in, sensing and/or discovering within yourself what you love to do. This discovery will set you free in so many ways.

Book Launch Notice: My wife and I promised to help promote a book launch by Eldon Taylor who is writing about how our minds are programmed by societal influences and what we can do to reprogram our minds to create success. The book looks like it will be worth reading and there are many positive reviews. Checkout the link below to watch a very interesting 5 minute video about this new book from Hay House Publishing, a publisher I fully trust.