The Joys Of This Moment

Today on the Huffington Post there was an article on Happiness by Gretchen Rubin who writes often about the topic. Her point was that being connected to past can bring us happiness. For some, I am sure that is true.

In my work with clients, most of them have pasts that haunt them much more then bring them happiness. As I look over my past, I see there are many good memories but the present offers much more happiness to me. Maybe I am blessed to be happy with my life as it is now, or maybe that is because I’ve learned to live more fully in the present?

This moment has everything I need to be happy. I can appreciate this moment as I write this blog because I am doing what I love to do. My wife is making a delicious smoothie for us upstairs and my mouth is watering as I anticipate drinking it (it tasted great.) Soon I will be on my bike riding it this sunny morning and I am pleasantly anticipating that right now.

Now is really where everything happens. Now with the right frame of mind is ripe with the nectar of happiness if I simply take a full bite out of the moment. This full bite means I breathe into the moment, I tastes the tastes of the smoothie, I feel the air as it blows past me on my ride, I enjoy the pleasure of inspiration as I write, I feel the joy of being energized by ideas.

Thanks Gretchen for the inspiration of ideas today and keep up your writing, it makes people think and become more aware and that is so needed.

More on happiness soon and by the way why not have some today by jumping fully into the joys of this moment.