Feel Better Naturally

Are you looking forward to the weekend? It must be around a payday for you, isn’t it nice when the money comes? I came upon two really interesting quotes while working on a collage with my clients and later some information that got me wondering what is going on. Today’s blog is kind of a hodgepodge of thoughts. Let me know if any of the ideas are of value to you.

First this flabbergasting information: 250 million people take anti-depressants. They take more anti-depressants than any other medication in this country. Is there an epidemic of depression out there or is this about drug companies inventing more and more reasons to be medicated. As a mental health professional I would like to offer a some natural ways to taking care of depression that doesn’t involved putting yourself under the influence of medications.

Here are 10 natural anti-depressants:

Exercise has been shown to have a very positive affect on depression
• Seeing a counselor is a proven way to move yourself out of depression
• Meditation, yoga, and tai chi are other natural ways to reduce feeling low
• There are herbal remedies that can make a difference without the negative affects of drugs
• Take time to explore what interests you and you will find yourself more interested in life
• Get up and get out into the world, find things to do, watch funny movies, enjoy life
• Focus on what you are grateful for and keep a journal of what you appreciate about your life
• Spend time with friends who are upbeat and enjoyable
• Take up golf, tennis, bike riding, hiking or some other activity and enjoy doing something that can be fun and healthy for you
• Have a purpose in life and do something about it every day

If a doctor says to you, I think an anti-depressant may help you, ask what are other options. Print this list and do things positive that will help you feel better. Our nation is becoming a drugged out country, is this because of depression or because of a society that needs to head in a new and healthier direction?

The follow two quotes are from an interview of Lynne Twist in a magazine I came across during my work yesterday. Lynne is the author of the book The Soul of Money and she is truly a super fundraiser and a wonderful speaker spreading her light around the world.

What you appreciate appreciates, in money and in life. With your attention, your inner riches grow.”

When you stop chasing more of what you don’t need, you free up tremendous energy to do more with what you have, and what you have grows.”

These quotes are great reminders of how to open to a richer flow of prosperity in your life. Having more money can help you feel more freedom, which can help you have more joy in your life.

Have a prosperous weekend and get active in ways that enrich your life.