It is so cold and snowy here and I would rather be back in Santa Barbara walking on a beach and enjoy the mild weather. However I am presently living in Boulder and I am making the very best with what my life as it is. There is a restlessness inside me as if I am in the midst of some kind of major shift but I don’t yet see the results. Do you ever feel things stirring in your life and wonder what will happen next?
There seems to be much stirred on a political level but I am staying away from that arena for the moment because it seems so much needs to change. I did watch a movie called Food Inc and felt very unsettled about the situation of food in our country. There are insanely powerful corporate forces who don’t care about what is good for the people. I found out from that film that in Colorado there is a law that makes it a crime to criticize the Beef Industry. I wonder who that law benefit? Oops I can’t help myself talking some politics and questioning our very unhealthy political system.
My team the Portland Trailblazers has been decimated by injuries that take a lot of the air of hope and success out of this season. Sports don’t matter really but it is a good distraction for me when the real world seems like such a mess. My college football team at Oregon State lost out on Thursday to play in the Rose Bowl. Part of me just watches these disappointments and knows they really are not important in the scheme of things but I still feel for the players and the lost of possibilities. If I could, I would make everyone winners.
Today on my run in the hills I had on Yaktrax which is something I got at the local running store to run in snow and ice and they worked great. They are like tire chains for running shoes. It felt so great running in the beautiful whiteness of nature up a canyon and not worrying about falling on my backside.
We human sure know how to create wonderful inventions. We are very creative and resourceful when it comes to inventing/designing what we need. On a practical level we seem to be able to access unlimited ideas. On a political level we seem unable to see what we need and do what is necessary to bring about the most essential and need changes. Why is it so hard to stop fighting wars, to stop being driven by greed, and to live according to the real values of love, compassion, caring, kindness, acceptance, awareness, generosity, understanding, honesty, and hope?
I am trying to understand the spiritual concept that everything is perfect as it is. It is possible to see the perfection in the moment, in even the most troubled souls but our systems seem so lacking in perfection. In being mindful daily I hope to gain a greater understanding.
As the second week of December begins, I hope you have lots of inspiration and peace of mind.