Habit And Familiar Or Change And Reinvigoration?

It is very cold here in Boulder with a low of 1 degree Fahrenheit forecast for tonight.  This weather makes working out difficult since I usually like to run or bike.  Today I lifted at the gym but I can't get myself to do the aerobic machines because it seems so numbing to bike or run in place.  I don't understand people using those machines on a warm sunny day but they are just as busy as they were today.  How come we do so many things that are run by habit, that are numbing, that are the opposite of spontaneous expression?
Since the move I have been thinking about how I can change up my routines now that we live in a new place and a new part of town.  There is either going up of down when you leave my house.  I was thinking I want to reinvigorate my exercise program, find some new areas of study and creative expression, and ways to provoke new awareness and raise my consciousness.  There is yet no plan but I will come up with one before the New Year. 
Muscles grow stronger with new ways of moving them and pushing them.  The same is true of the heart.  The more I expand the strength of my compassion the stronger I will be at showing up to help others.  The more I stretch my flexibility of body and mind the more I will be able to flow with the challenges of life.  The greater the endurance of spirit, the more hope I will experience in making a difference by writing, sharing ideas and helping others.  My body, mind, heart and spirit will all benefit from my willingness to push, to reexamine, to question, to keep on going, to course correct, to grow stronger, to commit to exploring my potential in as many ways as possible.
Is it ok to do what is familiar?  Of course it is.  The catch is when the familiar turns into habit, into unconscious action then something within gets lost.  Change is essential and you and I live in every changing times, which are just exactly what we need. 

How will you redo yourself in the next year to produce a new and improved version of yourself?  What old ways need to be replaced by new ways?  How can you become a more aware and conscious human being?  What do you need to challenge in yourself?

Have a good first weekend of December and take some time this month to reprioritize your life to make it even better and to encourage the best in you.