What are your passions in life? Are you doing any of them today? What passions inside of you want to be expressed? Life is so busy doing stuff that you have to do. When do you do what you love to do? Are you somebody that does or hopes to do? Like the blog yesterday mentions about being passive or active in life, are you a person that stands on the sidelines and hopes to get in the game or do you make what you want happen?
I have a passion to do both meaningful and fun things in life. My passion for doing things has guided me to have many wonderful experiences. My work has been very rewarding because I get to make a difference in people’s lives. I get to explore new ways of helping others and that is also a joyous part of doing my work as a counselor/teacher/consultant.
In the fun category I have many activities that make my life enjoyable including public speaking, teaching and inspiring others, singing, painting, writing, tai chi, great discussions, and playing sports like, table tennis, tennis, basketball and trail running. When I do any of these activities I feel energized, fully awake, and positive about life.
What fun things do you do that make you feel alive? Are you waiting for the future before you have fun? Have you lost touch with your playful nature? Have you gotten overly serious about life? When do you cut loose in enjoyable and healthy ways?
Make a commitment to do something fun soon. If you are a parent take your kids and do something you would all enjoy. If you have a spouse do stuff together you both love. Life is way too short and one day you will find yourself regretting that you had not done some things you intended to do. The only time you can truly enjoy life is now. No more delaying is allowed. If you learn to have a really great time then you get to live a joyous and satisfying life.