Over at the blog Quantum Learning by Ian, he is asking his readers to leave comments or send emails about what are ways his readers are a gift to the world. I love that idea so I thought I would spread it here at my blog.
You may not even see yourself as a gift, which would be sad. I invite you to take the time to write down the ways you are a gift to those around you and to the world. If you want you can leave them in the comments section at Quantum Learning.
Here is my list as to why I am a gift to the world:
• Each day I try to spread consciousness, awareness, compassion and inspiration through my blog.
• I am always exploring ways to be a more conscious and compassionate human being.
• Through my inner work I am able to spread peace and inspiration through my interactions with others.
• My progressive politics are about who is taking care of the needs of the people not the corporations.
• In my work I help people who have addictions to alcohol and drugs, I give them ideas and hope.
• The staff I work with appreciate my support, my kindness and my teaching of skills for self-care and counseling.
• My wife appreciates my cooking and our meals, which are often inspired by recipes I like to try.
• I have a warm smile and people respond positively to me
• I invite the best in people I interact with throughout my day
• My dog Pax appreciates me taking him for walks, playing with him and his toys and feeding him.
• Recently one of my clients had an awakening and I provided him with the ideas and readings that seem to help bring this about.
• My brothers and sisters appreciate me for who I am and my support of who they are.
• I will leave the world a better place through my work and writing.
• I have developed excellent skills in asking people questions that provoke thought, new ways of looking at the world, and the insight needed to bring about personal change.
I hope this list inspires you to come up with your own list too. You can also share them in my comment section below.