Questions Equal Insight

I ask lots of questions because it is essential that we engage our mind, our heart and any other ways we know.   Today the people who ask the questions and who seek the truth are the ones that are going to help make the changes essential for taking care of humanity and the planet. 

Here are some questions to invite insight in you and to encourage you to be fully aware of who you are and what you want to do in this life.  Take the time to answer the questions thoughtfully and with more than “yes and no’s.”  Then share them with those you think will also benefit.   You could have a great discussion with others about these questions.  

Do you ask yourself questions?
Do you settle for less when you know there is more possible?
Do you question those in authority?
Do you believe all you see in the newspaper or on the news?
Do you have a positive point of view?
Do you believe in yourself?
Are you open to new viewpoints?
Are your emotions helping you or getting in your way?  
Do you have the energy you need?
Do you wonder about what people say?
Do you question the power of corporations?
Do you expect more from your government?
Do you ask for explanation of things that don’t make sense?
Are you interested in understanding?
Are you interested in new learning?
Do you challenge yourself?
Do you have expectations about yourself that are unrealistic?
Do you work at always improving?
Do you have an open heart?
Do you have an open mind?
Are you exploring your potential?
Do you have a purpose or mission in life?
Do you care where are nation is heading?
Are you concerned about the health of the planet?
Do you feel empowered to make a difference?
Do you ask about others and their lives?
Do you know what values are important to you?
Are you ok with success and prosperity?
Do you listen well to others?
Do you have peace of mind?
Are you able to relax?
Do you know how to handle stress?
Do you spend time in nature?
Do you exercise regularly?
Do you have friends that care you?
Are you happy with your career?
Do you have compassion for yourself and others?
Are you willing to accept the differences of others>
Do you have a sense of Spirit?
Do you eat food with health in mind?
Are you ok with having fun and enjoying life?
Do you get enough rest and sleep?
Do you listen to your intuition?
Are you awake and fully conscious?
Are you ready to get involved in changing the world?
Do you practice mindfulness?
Are you willing to expand your thinking?
Do you care about your government?
Do you express your creativity?
Are you expressing your greatness in your life?
Do you feel gratitude?
Are you living according to what matters most to you?
Do you know how to listen inward?
Do you feel love in your life?

There are so many questions to explore to help you create a life and world that is a joy to live.