Sunday is a planned day of rest for me but this Sunday was busy. Today I spent the afternoon at a green show called Earth Works Expo. We sold our peace t-shirts and talked to people about what we hope will be a more positive future for the country and the planet.
Here are four reasons things are look better:
1. First there is an election year and it is time to change the direction this country is heading. It seems clear to most which presidential candidate really represents a change in course.
2. Second there is a strong and growing Green movement and with gas prices sky-rocketing you can bet there will be even more emphasis on how we can come up with other positive energy sources.
3. Thirdly there is a growing feeling that the people of this nation need to get together and make things happen in ways that are for the good of all the people. This energy is picking up steam and will cause some positive and powerful changes.
4. Fourth there is at every level of government and the private sector a need to evaluate what is working and what needs to change. Without much research needed most Americans feel things need to move in new and more innovative ways that will benefit everyone and the planet.
What other positive things do you see going on? Please share your ideas with others so we can all expand our thinking. We the people will be the driving force for change so lets all spread our ideas and join together in positive action.