The Way Of The Heart

Yesterday was a busy day and today will be even more so.  Busy days feel good at work because the day goes by faster.   I have been thinking a lot since our visit with Maulana on Sunday.  His perspective is so right.  The goal is to love and to serve others.  My work allows me to be of service, to make a difference in people’s lives.  My heart work is about loving myself, my wife, my friends, and even those I find difficult to love.  There are people and situations in the world that will test my ability to love.  That is ok because the more I open my heart to love the better I am as a person and the better the world will be if we all love as much as we can.

There is no limit to love.  The Sufi Saint loves everyone of every color and of every belief.  His work is to spread love everywhere he goes.  Now that is my idea of the kind of work to be involved in, don’t you think?  Maybe whatever work we do the job is to spread love to those we work with and those we serve.  What do you think?  Can you spread love through your work?

I have felt this very pleasant and calm vibration the last couple of days through the energy I picked up with Maulana.  I look at his joyous smile in the picture he gave and I smile too.   He gave everyone pictures to remind us of the love, joy, mercy, sweetness, unity and peace he spoke about in his vigorous and accented voice.  Let yourself love and feel the joy of doing so.  

Let your love shine in you
Let your heart be open to give
Let your heart be open to receive
Let your mind clear the way for love
Let you body be a vehicle for love
Let yourself feel free to give
Let yourself be full of compassion
Let yourself be guided by your heart
Let your life by one of kindness
Let your heart find the unity of us all
Let your joy flow from your heart
Let yourself feel the connection to all beings
Let your light shine and spread love
Let your love spread peace everywhere you go

Be Peace, Be Love, Be Joy, Be the Light You Are