Another full day and things went very well at the Whole Foods product show. It appears there is interest in our peace t-shirts. We are excited about that possibility. The other products we saw there were amazing and we met so many interesting people. My wife and I both had the thought that we need to get out more. One of the people we met is a lavender farmer in Boulder County. Lavender is a very healing plant and this guy has some great products. I don’t know if you have ever had the privilege to walk through a lavender farm. It is a sensory bath of joyous smells. I suggest you make plans to visit a lavender farm in late summer and enjoy.
Now I want to say a few words about the joy of success Barack Obama is having after his 9th and 10th primary victory in a row. The voter turnouts in these primaries have been huge and there is a ground swell for change flowing across the nation. Change is needed and we the people will have to let the next president know what we want and expect. I can feel a new era is on the way. I feel hopeful that this new era will be about:
• A return of the people to power in this country
• A return of compassion and heart to government
• A return to higher values
• A movement toward joining the world community instead of acting superior
• A realization that our Planet needs to be cared for by us
• A time of people coming together for the common good
• A time for people to explore their shared hopes, dreams and desires
• A time for progress forward toward a more sustainable future
• A time for movement toward clean energy independence
• A time for health care for all citizens
• A time for the world citizens to put those that threaten us on notice that they cannot win because we are not afraid
• A time for peaceful engagement and solution finding
• A time to remove the money influence from elections and government
• A time for corporations to serve us and become partners to the power of the people
• A time to move toward ending the nuclear threat by the US leading the way in disarmament
• A time for ideas to be explored and new technology to be invented that will make all of our lives better
• A time to return to the Bill of Rights and end the government intrusion into the private lives of our citizens
• A time to return honesty to the political process
• A time to secure voting accuracy through a paper trail
• And many more positive things, which are waiting for us to help make them happen.
I hope you feel the same optimism I do. We can all make a difference.