A Cold Walk In Nature With Pax

Last night’s concert/sing-along seemed to go very well and the audience really got involved. Handel’s Messiah is such a masterpiece of choral music that it naturally lifts you up if you participate. This music has been inspiring people around the world since 1742. There are two more performances today at 2 and 7, so the rest of my day is busy.

Is it cold where you are today? It is 8 degrees here this morning and very dry. Welcome to the first day of Winter.  I am trying to get motivated to take out my dog Pax for a walk. He needs one no matter how cold it is. I very much enjoy the walks myself. Even in cold weather walks seem so nurturing to my whole self.

When I walk, I let nature nurture me. I live in a green space where there is much to appreciate. My mind is calm walking along a stream even though it will be frozen today. The flowing of water seems to have a soothing affect. My body appreciates the movement and energy that comes form a good walk. My emotions are given a time to just be noticed in a peaceful place. My spirit always seems to soar when I am in nature. These walks allow time for contemplation about life and what matters most.

Walking my dog is an extra benefit because I get to watch his effortless joy, his playfulness, his exploration, the raw energy and speed of a young living thing unbound my any self-imposed limitations of thought or emotions. Sure he thinks and feels but no way does he let his head get in the way of his having fun. I watch in awe sometimes and am grateful for Pax as a teacher for fully living in the moment. You and I can really get in our way from enjoying life.

I hope your Sunday is one of quiet contemplation, energetic movement and joyous interactions with those you care about.