Tomorrow is Thanksgiving Day and I was thinking about all I have to be grateful for in my life. There are so many wonderful people, situations, things and qualities that enrich my life. What are you thankful for in your life? Here is a partial list of what I feel gratitude for:
Another day to enjoy the wonders of life
My wife Bobbi and our ever expanding love
My dog Pax who is a joy
My work at Boulder County Public Health
My co-workers
The home I live in
The Sun that comes out almost every day here
Each breath of life that flows through me
People who are working for a better planet
My healed shoulder
My healthy body
My friends and family
My self-discipline
My fitness
The food I have available to eat
My open heart
My open mind
The expansion of my awareness and consciousness today
My inspiration daily for my blog,
All the traffic that comes to my site
Our Peace Together organization
My new shoes
My bike for my ride today
The well equiped gym we have
Time to write
Time to workout
My intuition and inner guidance
The web and all its resources
Portland Trailblazers
Good books to read
My view of the mountains from my office
The clients I am able to help
The creativity that flows through me
My emotions that help me feel more alive
My freedom
The income that I have
The inspiration I feel for life
The four days of time off I get starting tomorrow
My Shuffle and the music on it
The big exercise ball I use every day to keep flexible
My well running little pickup truck
The price of gas going down
A new president
A fresh sense of hope in the air
The well being of all those on the planet
My senses that allow me to appreciate so much
My being appreciated by those I work with
The beautiful sky as it transforms throughout the day
Living in a progressive community
Walking meditation
Funny movies
Singing in community choir
The opportunity to explore and express my potential
Naps, rest and refreshing sleep.
The beautiful read clouds at sunset last night
The clients who bring out the best in me
Those who take the time to listen
This computer that serves me so well
My expanding connection with the Source of all creation
What’s on your list? Having an every day thanksgiving is a good way to live.